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Everything posted by kirill4

  1. waistcloth ,in fact, I made frm preliminary painted percale soaked in white wooden clue mixed with water, to form folds, fabric need to remains wet... fringe I made by unraveling lower part of waistcloth fascia
  2. later on I had crazy idea that my galleon need waistcloth...I see this elements very often on contemporary galleon pictures...so I try to fabricate them
  3. when sets of the blocks were ready, I've made supporter for main stay lower collar...I don't know if this device exists on full size vessel,but on my model without this device stay collar rests right on the edge, so I decided to install it than I prepaired(serving) lower mainn stay collar...to connect both ends I did arrangements which looks like this part made on Batavia replika or De_Zeven_Provincien drwngs. Model ,at least in such way how I understood it Final adjustment and Connection those two ends I did after installation masthead tackles
  4. this is the recent part of building... all jobs were done during last couple of months made some preparation for fore mast and bowsprit rigging + painted all ness-ry bloks and made some ring bolts and hooks ,as sample - Duyfken replica
  5. This is my own version of spanish galleon 1588 rigging...try to make it based on information frm The rigging of ships. In the days of the Spritsail topmast 1600-1720 - Anderson and Peter Kirsch "The Galleon the great ships of the armada era" galleon rigging drwng How accurate it happened I don't know...but I try to do best of mine
  6. continue with masting There was some problem with gammoning arrangement for me...as it should be according to Anderson...when I started making loops I lost control of this process and finaly rejected this idea...so I try to imitate how it looks like on Batavia replica
  7. continue with masting...there are some various artists contemporary galleons pictures wihich I reffer as samples for my models... ps "name"s of those pctrs are wrong,don't look on it...found that for me was very difficult to find old pictures of spanish galleon which painted by spanish artists...most of spanish galleon pictures made by duch artist...and often looks like dutch galleon
  8. Thanks Steve,welcome! glad to see You...it is interesting for me to complete this project, You know, from historic point of vew,plastik kit of MayFlower or Golden Hind much more accurate...but this kit hull actually very funy and strange in construction as real ship it could not sail at all due to fault and stupid hull construction but as model -nice! Will be nice when You start Your spanish galleon as well...I saw another plastic kit of spanish galleon by Revell 1:96 if not mistaken...but by my opinion this version of spanish galleon 1607 1:100 ,which I'm busy now , looks better,I mean as version of spanish galleon? All the best! K i r i l l
  9. than I making some paint jobs and modified kit mast to make them looks more realistic There is one wooden element added -bowsprit ,which I must to fabricate due to avoid bending when it will be loaded by fore stays...hope no more wood,exept boat mast and spar(done) will be used
  10. Last year I've started with blocks fabrication,made them partly from liquid steel paty(forming) and partly from epoxy...frankly speaking I hate this stage because of monotonic job and nessry to fabricate huge q-ty of this blocks and dead eyes
  11. Due to I was afraid of start making rigging and didn't have clear idea how to make gallion sails, I decided to make small galleon boat with sail and to find the apropriate way for me with this sails making this boat almost scratch build, exept hull base - it was from russian plastic kit of Gotta Predistinacia...scale was more or less suitable ...smthn abt 1:100 but even than there is no storage place on galleon deck for this boat, and I decided to place it near by ... For sail making I used percale soaked in white wooden glue(polyvinylacetate) when it dried -it became like paper , very handy to work with
  12. Dear friends, some facts of previous years of building,2012,this time I was busy with decoration modification...changed shape and contens(picture) of heraldic shield - spain need to be with rounded lower part and changed icon of Santissima Madre for correct one Heraldic shield pictures I 've made on comp,printed out and clued on piece of plastic...picture of Santissima Madre I've made from couple of various images and than fitted at place
  13. Thanks this dry pastel make sometimes miracle...with minimum "artist" participation...let say need only water and brush
  14. there was problem with icon picture - actually it is ortodox style, but I need catolic style...later on it will be replaced for correct one
  15. in this part I tried to add some sturn decoration,,,not sure it is suitable for spanish galleon of 1588,but from other side we can see that in the first part of 17 century already aft part of the ship reach decorated...so why not
  16. Hello everyone, Dear friends,let me introduce my model of Spanish galleon 1607 building log(actually I'd like to position it as galleon of Great Armada, so instead of maker name Spanish galleon 1607,I call it Spanish galleon 1588 ) I've started to assemble this model long time ago- 2009,due to lack of time building goes extremely slowly, can do it 2-3 month per year , and only during this "season ",last two months I finally reached "rigging" and started rigging spritsail ...for me it is most interesting part of this kit assembling! During assembling hull,in the begining, I used ordinary (not spesial for plastic models painting) acrylic paints and dry artist pastel for making tone/aging...later on,during masts and spars painting I started to use acrylic paint "folk arts" as well... Some additions which I made for this model,I've made from plastic telephone cards,paper,and various plastic remains which I could find , like a food container etc... For rigging I use ordinary polyester thread Gutermann,actually this not a good choice ,due to their wrong appearance and with my next project I plan to buy or fabricate by myself some kind of rope making machine On the fotoes You can see progress of this model building since the time when hull was assembled and generally painted ,than I decided to add some sturn decoration ,and to make some more small additions.... Rigging plan I've made my own due to kit rigging plan I consider as too primitive and not accurate, rigging plan I've tried to develope using book " The rigging of ships. In the days of the Spritsail topmast 1600-1720 - Anderson" ,Peter Kirsch "The Galleon the great ships of the armada era" and information which I could foun in the famous book "The Royal Warship Vasa" I guess I've made not too much mistakes in my rigging plan, anyway this was only plan which I have...so pls consider it like my interpretation of Spanish galleon rigging Remaining parts of rigging and sails will be done during next couple of years(during my vacations)... Recently I've found this forum and was very much impressed by models and modellers...great and wonderfull models I want to say! I will be very appreciate for your comments and corrections where and what I did wrong...it is a little bit sad ?that I found this forum too late ,when hull is completed...bu OK...rigging still in progress Probably soon I'll be need to stop building till september-october...if it will happened?than see all of you in autumn All the best
  17. Hello Mihail, I was very impressive and liked the way You started this project, I have the same kit, and I'm going to start building after completion my current building of plastic kit Spanish Galleon _Lee_1:100(busy with rigging and sails for the moment,luckelly it will be completed in a couple of years ,and than- this perfect kit! ) Hope will find a lot of usefull watching Your building progress! All the best! Kirill
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