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mort stoll

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Posts posted by mort stoll

  1. Hi Bill,


    I followed the plans and was very satisfied with the result, however - as the man said - there is more than one way to skin that cat.  That does not mean the plans are 100 o/o correct.  For my Snake I am using Petersson to supplement the Caldercraft plans and could not be more pleased with the results.


    Hope this helps,


  2. I am going to order the Model Ship Ways Kit. I'll kitbash and upgrade the kit where necessary. Truthfully I chose that kit because all things being equal I have a great deal of respect for Model Expo and Marc Mosco in particular. I appreciate all of the suggestions. 


    Happy holidays to all,


  3. Hi Jason,


    On my first builds I glued the masts in place. After reading both Lever and parts of Lees on how the rigging supported the masts on my last 2 builds - Connie and Rattlesnake - I did not glue the masts. I had no trouble keeping them secure as the shrouds and standing rigging kept them in position and secure as they said they would. I intend not to glue them in my Snake as well.However if you have an issue with the mast holes that is another matter. The mast bases will give you some support and you can as they did back in the day put wooden pieces- I forget the term - if they will fit between the mast collar and the mast for further support.


    Hope this helps,


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