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Everything posted by Snoepert

  1. I would be very interested in seeing your proposal . Thanks for keeping me posted
  2. I have followed Black Viking’s suggestion painting the ribs early. I took this a step further and am painting the lapped panels shown before installing.
  3. Can anyone advise if the nailing shown on the model advertising the DeAgostini kit is a random nail system and can explain the philosophy behind the nailing. I think it looks great this way stained not painted but it could mean a long process nailing. maybe the nailing could also be done on the painted version. Anyone? Eddie
  4. Hi Barry1 In my experience they are of high quality,ample supply of materials and have superb instructions. I have also built the Sovereign of the Seas and the Red Baron ,all high quality kits. Eddie
  5. Moving slowly along. Had a bit of confusion with the instructions re the step downs on the sides from the stern towards the bow. But I think I got it now.
  6. Maybe if you could photograph the work required and then take it to a lettering shop or maybe Officeworks and get them to print same to the scale required onto an adhesive backed vinyl strip , you can then strip the backing off and stick it to the hull. Maybe you can get some Lettraset. just a thought. Eddie.
  7. The planking is going quite well but there will need to do a bit of sanding to fix uneveness.
  8. Thanks for the heads up Black Viking I have finished the Endeavour and Sovereign of the seas with white bottoms and I am tending not to paint this one. Still undecided.
  9. Thanks for the comments Peter. The kit is good quality. eddie
  10. Things are going full speed ahead now and heading for the sails and rigging.
  11. This is the most challenging part and needs a lot patience and care painting all the decorations. It was good to purchase the correct paints as shown in the comments on the Vasa official build .
  12. At the planking stage and by following the pdf instructions it makes things much easier and clear albeit it doesn’t alway work as well as Gandales build.
  13. The hardest thing is waiting for the next months issue. It is interesting building the ship as in 2012 we actually visited the real thing in SWEDEN AND WAS SOMIMPRESSIVE. I am so pleased we were able to purchase this model direct from England.
  14. Well I have been quite busy and find the cut outs very precise and of great quality. following the DeAgostini pdf instructions are very informative and clear to follow.
  15. Hi folks I have just enjoyed rwo river cruises from the Black Sea to Amsterdam and have been home 6 weeks now and thought it was time to move on with my construction work and I have posted an update.
  16. It looks absolutely fantastic. I am wondering how do you keep asteady arm when tying the rat line across. I actually laid the lines on a jig and tied them on the flat before hanging them onto the vessel. Not surewhich is the best way. cheers
  17. Just had a major 7 week vacation through Europe and arrived home to find the first of 12 packs from England for the Vasa kit. I saw the original Vasa in Sweden in 2012 and always wished I could get this ship for my collection and to my surprise England has the kit and allowed us guys down under to purchase direct. I am exited to see the parts are of the same high standard as the Souvereign of the Seas I finshed early this year. photo’s will follow when i commence serious construction
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