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Everything posted by Snoepert

  1. Hi Auvergne,

    I am very interested in your progress as I am roughly in the same spot and it is good to compare to let me know how I am going .

    Will follow your progress. 


  2. The planking is coming on now and going to my satisfaction.
  3. Well I have finally come to the end of my SOS journey. Thank you to all the fellow modellers who have me on the way. regards, eddie
  4. Can anyone advise me where I can get my hands on some detail plans for the sails for the Amati Sciabecco model I am about to commence.

  5. Just thought I would put on the rigging plans for SOS builders for reference.
  6. I got hold of some of the Amati SOS plans that gave me the standing rigging details and have decided to follow these diagrams.
  7. Hi Dennis just been looking at your rigging regarding the wing rigging and I am about to venture into the same area on my DeAgostini model.As they aren't shown in this kit I am great full to see your photo's to give me a guide . Thanks, Snoepert
  8. Got some good work progress today and am enjoying the standing rigging construction
  9. Just finished the rat lines and starting on the standing rigging still a lot more work ahead Snoepert
  10. Deadeyes ,ratlines and tying knots is the theme of the day at the moment. Snoepert
  11. I have moved a little further on my new journey. Today I have glued together the skeleton frame and use some small right angle blocks to keep the frame square. Painted the frames red and dry fitted the deck pieces to the frames.Had to trim slightly to have an easy fit. Snoepert
  12. Yeah,it was hard to keep the same distances but the little jig the magazine suggested works well.

    I too have the lump of bees wax for years and lasts forever.


  13. Things are getting more challenging now and doing the rat lines etc means more work. some of the work I am trying to build off the ship but a lot of the work has to be built insitu.
  14. I have very interested in the sleek lines of the vessel and have just purchased the kit. I am building the SOS at the moment and have decided to start the Sciabecco to give me some variety of stages.rr
  15. You are doing a great job and I am enjoying your journey. snoepert
  16. Hi Donn, I found that installing the rat lines on the model would be a long labor intensive arm dropping exercise. So I thought by doing them on the bench I would get more control and more even rows. The task to install on the mast is a little hairy but I seem to get away with the installation. I run the cords through bees wax and run 6 lines from one to the other on the jig. When I have run about 6 cross lines I dab some glue on the knots. Thank for the interest you are showing on my work. This is a great quality kit through the magazine system. Snoepert.
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