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Everything posted by captgino

  1. Thank you for the recommendation. Here are the last few templates glue to the frames.
  2. Ha. Well I am far from been the expert so I will follow your build and you can help me 😊
  3. If you would like to see a video for the stem glue up. Check out the latest installment of building the Model Shipways Syren on YouTube.
  4. Glued up the stem. It took quite a bit of time to adjust each piece to fit as perfectly as possible together Here is the final result.
  5. The deconstruction continues on my Syren. I noticed a few issues with frame adjustments. Here is what my survey outlined. The second and third frames from the stern were too high, resulting into a 1/16 gap between the top of the frame and the center 'spine'. See the red marks below. The solution was to remove them and the blocks surrounding them and push them down. I had a similar situation in the bow (see below). I was able to use a thin strip to provide a smooth transition across all frames for the deck planking. Deconstruction madness in pictures. Since the frames were glued with white glue, I used Acetone to soften the glue and a few tools to remove them. Time for your shot! Removal frame 2. Dry fitting frame 2. Drama with frame 3. The doctor is busy. LOL.... Dry fitting line with frame 2 and 3. MUCH BETTER !!! Gluing and rehabilitation.
  6. Thank you all for your comments and recommendations. I have started to glue some of the patterns. No distortion on the ones I did so far. You guys are right. It has a tendency to distort easily if you are not careful. I am being very careful and slow when gluing the pattern to minimize impact. It took me about 4 hours to glue 18 frames. I am going to make some additional photocopies to support the frames with a wider pattern. I also unfortunately discovered that I have a few frames in the middle of the ship that will need to be remade, as the pattern is too close to the edge or on it. I think it's a situation where small mistakes in the angles added up and end up distorting the frames. 🤬 Beginner stupidity!!!! I am in the process of surveying the damage. 😢
  7. Productive weekend, from design to reality... it was not easy and I broke a few parts. 🤪 Next step :drilling the holes and glue up.
  8. Thank you for this detailed information. I am sorry I completely missed it and did not respond sooner. I agree with you. I think it would be better to put the glue on the wood to avoid having The Paper distorting. I bought some rubber cement from Elmer, and I am trying it how to see how it holds the patterns. I am redoing the stem on my siren and I'm using it there I will see if it works out better. Are the dotted lines representing the front or the back of the frame? Did you tilt at all your bandsaw to get closer to the final shape?
  9. Getting crafty to hold the ship reversed. Worked on the Bearding line quite a bit last night to be able to meet with the 3/32 rabbet strip. The previous one was 1/8 so a lot to catch up to. And... Disaster the strip broke as I was putting rubber bands. To be expected when passing the bulkheads... Grrr. Here the result after fitting the strip on the stern. It will cover by copper so it will not be seen. Dry fitting the new keel and the old stem Stem needs to be redone from scratch. It was faired too much and unevenly. Draft stem design. Thoughts ?
  10. Deconstruction process. Numbering and removing Sills and Lintels. Removed the Stem. I will need to rebuild from scratch. And of course repairing the broken frame stems I also remove the keel and rabbet strip since they were damaged during my attempt to add the bearding line.
  11. Reviewed the documentation and plan. I have a few items to correct. Bearding line missing on one side. Small adjustments for the deck, some of the blocks are a bit too. high. Sills and Lintels all over the place. Stem was over sanded on one side or miss aligned. I am getting to take it appart and correct as much as possible these issues.
  12. Hi all, As my Rattlesnake will likely take a while, I decided to work on a kit at the same time. I was recently given a already started Syren. Sweet gift 😊!! Some much beautiful models on this forum, I will try to do it justice. Here is the current state.
  13. I think it is a wrap! I might spray paint my daughter's name as immatriculation AC2015 when I get my compressor back. I lend it to a friend 😊
  14. Darn, a few hours wasted... The bigger problem is getting new copies in this lock-down world we live in 🤔 I will see out bad it is.
  15. Working on the sails. Mounting one of them. Next is attaching the mast rings. Here is how I am going to hold them before sewing them up.
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