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About Rich_engr

  • Birthday August 29

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  • Location
    Baltimore, MD
  • Interests
    Model ships, pool, archery, shooting guns, astronomy, physics, my dogs, engineering, home improvement

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  1. Hey- back from my sailing lessons/vacation!! And I passed both certifications!!!! Had THE time of my life- was pure heaven!!!!!!! Plus, we were sailing around what I believe was the Sultana- got lots of pics on my phone that I need to upload so y'all can drool over!! lol~~ Anyway, build is obviously on the back burner for now (getting re-set up since our stuff from TX came a few weeks ago and I gotta get the shop rearranged). Plus, I'm looking at boat rentals for a day so I can keep building my experience! All is well- miss you guys!!!
  2. Finally a "real" update: I've been working on the bowsprit this week (not too bad once the drawings are attached)... got most of it tapered and the hex parts shaped, but I'll probably have to redo the piece.... Last night around 9 pm I made the stupid mistake of getting a venti coffee from Starbucks, and was up until 2:30 am sanding and tapering by hand... After four hours of sanding and shaping (all the while getting covered in sawdust), I realized that it wasn't coming out straight enough (although dimensions were ok), and it was a little tricky seeing my centerline (the drawings had some verrrrry slight curve to them when I glued them on), and the tapers weren't quite even/square enough... So, tonight I'm going to mark centerlines first, then taper sides/bottom, THEN make some more copies and affix the drawings... Oh well- practice makes perfect I suppose... just no late-night coffee this time (and I have to get up at 6)...
  3. Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I may be slow in posting pics since my 6-year old laptop is on its last legs....(at least it's not running XP, otherwise I'd be screwed!). And the budget doesn't allow for major computer purchases at this time... Just gotta hang in there~~~
  4. Thanks guys! Well, I finally dove into the bowsprit this week. Sunday I went to Kinkos and made copies of the plans, then cut the drawings out and attached them to the wood yesterday. I would have done it earlier, but I was in Norfolk this week (aboard the Iwo again). Still, got back yesterday and with the help of a few beers was able to glue the drawings on. One thing I noticed is that I probably should have started to taper the bowsprit before gluing the side dwg's on, because otherwise my octagonal sections will need to be tapered in quite a bit (and could screw up their shape)... oh well- I'm still in the learning curve... darn hindsight~~~~ Probably not much shaping this weekend due to my dad coming in and Mother's day, but next week I'll hit it pretty hard.
  5. Welcome aboard!!! I like your mentality- that'll keep you going strong throughout the build! There's tons of us building the Niagara- she's an interesting one to say the least. She's also my first wooden build. Don't be shy about asking for guidance- we're all in this together.
  6. Mini-update: I think my build is going to be very slow-going since my other bench/cabinets are in storage (back in TX), and therefore I'm very limited with the amount of workspace (basically the old computer desk). Things are very cramped, and I have to keep shuffling plans, parts, the ship, etc. around to work on something... Most of my tools and parts are still in my plastic tubs from the move! lol~ Still, I'm going to make some copies of the plans for the bowsprit so I can slowly work on that. My mind is bouncing between the bowsprit and the hammock rails (what/how to do them)... Last night I tried working on the fashion pieces, but all I was able to accomplish was find a piece of scrap wood to roughly sand down to size... grr~~~~
  7. Hey Bob- she's coming along great! I'm finally getting around to checking on the other builds here (as well as setting up shop/finding room to work). I still don't get that you're doing TWO builds at once!!! OMG- I'd be a frantic shipwreck myself (anxiety, mixed parts & wood stock, etc)! But you're the man for conquering that daunting challenge~~~ I'm still loving the idea of sticking the bowsprit plans directly to the stock- might just have to dive in and do it this week if I can (heading to Norfolk again for a few days). Keep it coming!!
  8. It was super cool, especially for my 1st. Saw a few RC boats- AMYA, MD Model Yacht guys there- was pretty neat. Of course, I was too chicken/intimidated to actually go on any of the boats for sale- just talked to a few schools so I can take lessons this summer. I'll definitely go the GIANT one in Oct tho! Sounds like you've been busy too- glad you had a few gigs! One thing I realized is how much a little time spent on our hobbies can be worth, in terms of giving us a peace of mind and knowing that life's not all about the "daily grind."
  9. Wow- I've missed a lot over the past few months! She's GORGEOUS!!!!! Fantastic work my friend!!! As always, every time I look at your ship it's inspiration for me to get my butt working on mine (again). Great work- can't wait to see what you do next!!!
  10. Wow!! Thanks for the very warm homecoming!!! Feels great!!!!!!!! Dang I miss you guys!!! Today (after taking the dog for a super great walk), I was able to actually re-attach a piece that did break off during the 1st move (one of the boarding steps on the starboard side). I just started pulling a few things out (like, where's my glue and tweezers??!) and I'm slowly getting set up again. I believe my next task is to finish shaping the catheads, paint, then attach to the hull. After that, I have to finish the rest of the upper rail fittings (aft channels, fashion pieces, hammock rails, etc.). Then it's on to the "still" intimidating bowsprit......
  11. Hey guys- I'm back!!! Sorry for the long delay- been just tied up getting settled, work, move, etc... But now that things have calmed down a bit I can start setting up my new shop finally!!! I'll be able to work on my build in the evenings/weekends now that I have some free time. Btw, I'll be going to the Annapolis Sailboat Show on Sat!! And I'm finally going to enroll in my first sailing lesson for the summer too! (Yeah, this has nada to do w/ my build, but I consider this an update of sorts~~)
  12. Lol- I'll be on the USS Iwo Jima (LHD-7) tomorrow. Right next to us is the Bataan (LHD-5), an Arleigh-Burke destroyer, and two carriers (Roosevelt and GW bush). Royally cool!!!! Tons of ships, real up-close, but unfortunately I can't take any pics (I asked if I could, but it's a no-no bc of security). Seriously, it's a kid's dream to actually get to go on the things I made models of as a kid, and actually do work!!! I was grinning from port to starboard this afternoon walking (while lugging equipment) down the pier!!! It's funny how they look smaller up close and when you're walking right next to them, but it's still super cool!!!!!!!! Definitely gets me anxious to get back to my Niagara. Unfortunately I doubt I'll have the time to go see her in Erie, but maybe one of these days I'll get up there again. Btw, I'll definitely have to read the Blue Jackets handbook so I can get myself accustomed to Navy customs and etiquette- show (and earn) my respect for our fighting forces and help me understand what our Navy is really all about.
  13. Thank you all for the condolences- pets truly are a part of the family, and although we were sad to see her go, it was a relief as well. Moving a hundred ships in a truck? Omg I'd be a nervous basketcase!!!! At least I know who to call in a few years~~ And a Happy New Year to all of you as well!!! So far this is shaping up a LOT better than last year! I know my Thanksgiving was FULL of thanks for a whole new change in my life's direction, and I am grateful every waking moment! (Christmas just kind of slipped through the cracks due to us leaving TX on Christmas day, but we're still treating each day like Christmas!) Btw, I might get to go on a "big ship" this week while in port, so I hope to find out tomorrow if I'm going! Totally cool stuff!!!
  14. OK!!! Finally done with moving, and most of the unpacking is complete!!! All arrived safe and sound to my new place- hope to get the full shop all set up once again soon. Drive was ok, just LOTS of hard work loading, unloading, and re-reloading (had to get a storage unit on Christmas day bc we had too much stuff). Only thing that happened is that one of our old cats passed away the day after we got up to VA (15 yrs old, and she knew it was time to go). But it feels good to finally be done with moving, and now I can get back to normal business (work and my build). After moving and transporting just the hull, I'd definitely have some ship-transporting professionals move my ship once she's completed- I'd be terrified to move a complete ship!!!
  15. Sam- that kind of situation would royally suck. And, my mom's b-day plans were nixed due to the ice/snow today (I'd have to drive across the Potomac bridge, which is a long, rather tall bridge that is 1 lane in each direction, with no median). But yes, my Niagara arrived fully intact. I found an apartment yesterday, so I'll be moving the house from TX to VA over the Christmas week. I'm just praying that the roads are ok for that 3-day trip (again), and I'll be in a Penske truck too.... fun times... So needless to say, building won't resume until maybe sometime in January once I'm settled in and have time to relax.
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