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    Tours (France)

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  1. Hello Grégor, I am looking for what colors the armed boat should be painted with. I see yours in black and white, with a natural wood interior. Do you have a reference that guided you to this choice. You have made a very beautiful achievement. Thank you.
  2. Bravo, c'est mérité, ce Gros Ventre fait partie des plus beaux.
  3. Félicitations, très belle réalisation, je suis sous le charme. Ce modèle et vos méthodes seront des références précieuses. Encore Bravo.
  4. Always very beautiful and precise, a good job for this year 2022. Now, happy new year 2023.
  5. Merci, votre travail est toujours formidable.
  6. Hello Marshall, I watch and appreciate your work. For your MF70 CNC, which files do you use from your CAD. and is the CNC directly controlled via a PC port. Thanks..
  7. OK, it's good job, but, it's the first time that I see this color.
  8. All is a very good job, but why this white planking? for my, it's too claire.
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