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Everything posted by Siggi52

  1. Jaager, have a look at my main mast, some posts earlier. Yes that where some special wedges. I have that book too.
  2. Hello Jaager, thank you for your efforts. In my english version of Boudriot's 74 gunner it is the same as you described. But at least this ship is French and too late. Gary shipwright once wrote, that at the plans he had, the strong partners for the main mast are at the gun deck, for the fore mast at the upper gun deck and for the mizzen there are only holes in the deck. I had a look at the planes I have from the Dorsetshire, 1757. There are strong partners drawn for the main and fore mast at the gun deck. At the upper gun deck there are partners drawn for the mizzen and main mast and at the Castel partners for the fore mast. At least would have all masts wedges at the most upper decks for there rain tarps. Most of the wedges I build you would't see later, and I think, that at least at every deck the masts have wedges. May be not so strong one. But some how they have to close the gap between the deck and mast.
  3. Hello Jaager, I would say, you find out how it really was and tell me then where and what you have found. I have to plank a deck, so it is not so easy.
  4. Hello, it is repaired, and I have again a three masted ship. Today I started also with planking the sides.
  5. Ha, I just realised that I forgot the the openings for the fore and mizzen mast 😐 That means, extra work for tomorrow
  6. Thank you Albert, and also all others for your likes And another small update. The planks between the binding starkes are installed
  7. Good morning, Mark, I think, in bad weather they put the grating in and sealed all with a tarp. Then is only the back ladder way open and there is may be also a lantern. Jaager, may be you are right. My first thought on this was, when they rigged up the capstan with bars, as at most early models, they closed the ladder way and removed the rails. Ok, mostly the ladder way are open and also when the capstan is't rigged, I did't find any rails. And as Druxey mentioned, there are more dangerous things at a ship, then the ladder ways. The rails are nowhere mentioned. In my Falconer 1769 edition only for the officers stairs. And also at the models, where there is no extra ladder way for the officers to the quarter deck there the two ladders at the sides have rails! For the gangway over the waist Falconer mentioned: „It is fenced on the outside by several small iron pillars, and a rope extended from one to the other, and sometimes with a netting, to prevent any one from falling off into the sea“ And also for the gangway at the ships side he mentioned rails, but not for the ladder ways. And again, these gangway are for the officers! All others have to climb over the railing. Before we find nothing written down, or a model with these rails, all others is speculation. But it is not too late, before I'm not installing the quarter deck, I could install these rails.
  8. Druxey, there you are right, and also that the coamings are a little higher then the deck is. That, and that the sailors know there ship. They worked there day and night and then, Keith, I think they find there way. And at the deck below is at least a lantern shining. I don't think that at the gun or orlop deck is absolutely darkness at night. Such a ship never sleeps. But the question is, did they have hand rails, or not? If yes I think, at one or the other model you would see them. I did't find any.
  9. Hello, today I looked also through all the pictures in the gallery for historical models, no handrails. What druxey at the end said is may be right. All ladder ways are behind, or in front of capstans. So nobody would stumble into them as an accident. And also at night it would't be absolutely dark, somewhere is always a moon, star or lantern, so they did't need these handrails really. Also at these small ways, left and right over the waist, no rails. Only the Royal William from 1719, SLR0222, had there rails. The only handrail I found, except those for the officers, was at the Mod. No 34 Vol II, of the Rogers collection, and there from the gun deck down to the orlop deck. Between the capstan and mizzen mast. But with these models I'm not sure if there is all really historical correct. That would be the next question, should I left these rails I had build at the gun deck? It is not too late to plug them out. Question over question. I think I did't build them at the upper gun deck, but leave them at the gun deck. At many models they did't even build the ladders, there is only the row of gratings. So would it look, when the capstan is in use.
  10. Hello, the ladders are ready! That means also, the gun deck is ready 😃 But one after the other, here are the parts of the puzzle And here the puzzle is completed And here the carpenters have them installed, the shipwright is very pleased. and all together in the totale. I'm wondering that I never saw a model with rails around, at least, the ladder way in the waist. Did't they had there none? And there are also no holes for them, so I think that they may not had them. Only the ladder way for the officers up to the quarter deck have rails. The next thing then is planking the upper gun deck
  11. Hello, thank you druxey, I have so my problems with names, even in German. I don't think that these pawls where the normality, so mostly you see the two pawls side by side, one for each direction and without these rings at the end. So I think, that when they stop turning around, one man in the middle push the pawl in and „then“ the others could relax. But at least I have also the pawls for the back capstan installed. The next things then are the ladders.
  12. Hello and thank you for your likes and comments, today the carpenters set the stoppers for the first capstan in. This art of stopper I found at that little 60 gunner I saw at Chatham too. SLR0472 With these stoppers you cold work in both directions with both stoppers. Interesting is also that eye at there ends. Here I think you could set the stoppers, with a rope, from outside of that bunch of men working there rounds here. These pieces of wood under the lower chocks prevent that the stopper would escape into the nirvana under the capstan. Only the upper capstans had them at the drawing for the Dorsetshire. So I think, that the lower capstans had no stoppers.
  13. Hello Allanyed, that is something I made may be wrong. But I really did't know what is right. At the Centurion model they build it this way. Why I build it with the 45° angle I can't say now.
  14. Thank you Chuck and scrubby427 and also all others for your likes When I took the pictures from above, all men where zack - gone. But later I found the hero of the day, the painter, and asked him to pose for a photo 😏
  15. Hello and many thanks for your nice comments and likes, this was the day of the painter, and a real laborious one. But now the capstans are more or less ready. The next weeks I let the paint dry and then I will see if I must smooth the surfaces, and paint again, or not.
  16. Hello, today only a small update, the upper capstans are ready.
  17. Hello and thank you all for your likes and comments today we worked again on the capstans
  18. Hello, at least I finished the gratings, ladderways and capstan partners. Also the new stanchions in front of the capstans are installed and the last days I turned the axles and drumheads for the capstans.
  19. Hello, I finished now also the last gratings at the upper gun deck. But when I started to plan the capstans, I realises that I had build the bases for them too small. 😬 I made the upper flat 24 mm Ø, and I don't know why. The capstans at the Dorsetshire, at the plans for the Tiger they are not drawn, have at there bases a diameter of 28 mm! And at the most plans I looked at, the capstans have nearly the same measurements there. The stanchions at the front of them came out without any damages, and what a wonder, I had left over two extra 😃 So today I turned two rings to enlarge these bases, as you may see at the pictures.
  20. Thank you Greg, I can't really remember what I used, but mostly a scraper, small chisels and files. It's now over 2 years ago, that I build them. But it was't an easy job, that can I remember very well. But I thought, when they did it in the 18. century, why should I not do it 😉
  21. Hello, today the man from the Admiralty came, but we had this part ready in time. 😃
  22. Hello, and thank you for your likes and Mark for your explanation. Today the men from the shipyard finished the second group of gratings. But the shipwright discovered already some things they have to repair tomorrow
  23. Hello, and many thanks for your efforts Mark. Alexander found in Goodwin's book English Man of War, 1719 establishment list, under gun deck and plank, page 249 binding strakes. The same for the middle deck, under Flat, page 252 and for the upper gun deck also under flat the next page. What is the difference between plank and flat? That means, I have to build them, but as you already said, I do not inlet them. I have also a little upgrade at the shipyard
  24. Hello, Jaager, I think I did't need such a sliding table for my saw and yes, I have my fingers all the time in view and away from the blade So, the first set of gratings is so far ready. But from these curves under the beam you did't see very much 😐
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