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Everything posted by Siggi52

  1. Hello and thank you for your likes and tips it was not so much the look of that scroll, but more the design of it. I did't get that, what I hoped to get. 😕 The rest was, I would get ready. ☠️ It was a good thing that the end of the rail brock of, so could I draw the profile of the rail at its end. To carve that, was my greatest concern. So I started today with that I glued a part rail to the wood that should be later the scroll and fitted it in the mortise at the hull. The result of that I glued this time, with a piece of paper between them, on a piece of wood. There I had yesterday the most serious damage, getting this tiny piece loose from the wood block. That is this time a normal cent 😊 Tomorrow more.
  2. Hello and many thanks for your likes today a small update. I started with the scrolls for the hansing pieces. I'm not so happy with the result. May be tomorrow it looked better when the paint has dried, or I make an other one. This piece broke into 3 pieces. That is the largest match I have 😇
  3. Hello, a small update, the 4th layer of paint. That is the second layer with the final color. I removed the masking tape from the wales, so that all the paint could dry evenly. After that and may be a little sanding here and there, comes then the I hope last layer. I paint at the moment the port lids.
  4. Hello and many thanks for your nice comments and likes Today only a small update, the second layer of paint. Now the hull looks a little more even. And like the ship to the left at the following picture, would look ships whose paint bleached out or washed away. Dark brown! And it's brown, not black. You may see ships of that color also at paintings from Dominic Serres. Especially in his pictures about the Havana campaign. When the ships came from the now ended seven years war in North America without a stop at the shipyard to get there yearly re-painting. It is a painting done by Charles Brooking „Shipping Becalmed in the Solvent“. I bought this print some years ago from the NMM. From that painting also arose the idea to build a 60 gunner of that period. It's a nice scene, the ships drying there sails, the cleaning crew clean up the traces from the morning toilets of ≈500 men and the first tourists making a great port tour. 😉
  5. Hello, no Keith, it was't a such hard decision. These ships where painted, or payed. Otherwise they would look after some years dark brown. At some paintings you could see that. I will look tomorrow if I could find some.
  6. Hello, the painting marathon continues. First in repair, and repair the repair and so on. An endless story. But then I started with the first layer at the middle of the hull. Three layers should follow. 🙁 This is a lighter color to cover the different wood shades.
  7. Hello, yes Druxey, I learned it the hard way. But at least I got it. But now, my nearly new model! The next days I would paint also the rest of the hull, before I start carving the scrolls within the hansing pieces.
  8. Good morning, thank you for your nice comments and likes. Greg, the hansing pieces are turned. I tried to steam them, 3 layers 0,4 mm castello, but that did't work. May be the next time.
  9. Hello and thank you for all, after a lot more pain I'm mostly ready with the Drift rails. 😄 Only a small quarter circle is left. Because you could't see very much of the details when the rails are painted, I made some pictures before painting them. When I'm ready with the Drift rails I have to start painting the hull before making the rest of the decoration.
  10. Druxey, I know, but you can never complain enough 🙂
  11. Hello, today only a small update. Why must they have so much timber heads?
  12. Hello, the first step is done 😅 Tomorrow I will turn the hansing pieces fore and aft of the waist rail.
  13. Hello and many thanks for your likes and comments The carpenters cut a lot of wood the last days. At least I'm not sure where to start, but I tend to make first the drift rails and the fife rails only at the poop deck. After they are installed I could better fit in the scrolls, or hansing pieces.
  14. Good morning Druxey, in later models you would't see such blocks. Mostly they are plain. Your theory is the same as the question: what was first, the egg or the hen.
  15. Mark, which yellow color did you mean? That below the wales? That is the final color. Now I will first finish the outside of the hull, with all that is possible except the stern. Inside the hull I have build all I could do. But as you know, you could't install the cannons before you have the outside ready. Then when the hull is from the outside ready, I go on and build the rest of the inside and with it also the stern.
  16. Marc, that was't my idea. Here some pictures from the Centurion. At the warship I also had the opportunity to see at Chatham it is the same. Only the pictures I made are not so good.
  17. Hello, today I finished the sheave blocks at the starboard side. The next thing would be the rest of the rails and scrolls 😕 I will see how it works
  18. Hello, and many thanks for your likes and comments I have been a little lazy at the yard the last 14 days, because of the wonderful weather we had here in the northern part of Germany. Last week we had here winter with 5-10 cm snow and temperatures down to -15°C (5°F). This week the opposite, spring with 15-20°C (41-68°F) and mostly bright sunshine 😊 That was the sunrise this morning, the yellow color comes from the Sahara desert dust, that came with the warm winds. But today I started at the yard with the sheave blocks
  19. Hello, it is done 😅 All the hinges are ready.
  20. I'm with you Druxey. From the, I think six 60 gunner who where build after the 1745 establishment, the Tiger is the only one where the lining is drawn at the plan. And that is I think, because it's a ship build at a privat yard. So the plans where a little more detailed, also with the art work. With the models it's not the same, but the modellers would show the ship. So some small things where left out ore where simplified build.
  21. Hello Druxey, for this time, or ship typ (60 gunner), I think it's not so unusual. But often the anchor lining is not drawn in the draughts or build at the models. If they where'd there, or not, I don't know. Here some examples, the Centurion 1732 A Warship 1745, even with a bolster below the wales Ipswich 1730 Standart 1782 (64 guns) And a warship 1735 And then arose, when looking at this picture a question. This model has the hinges on top of the lid and not as I build it, under the lining. I build it so, because at the second picture the hinges are there at the lid, but the left one is under the lining. Godwin wrote that they replaced the lining when it's worn out, so I think the Hinges must be under the lining. May be it's a shortcut of the modeller of this model?
  22. Thank you for your likes and comments, and here the reason why I started to make the hinges. I would have all port lids ready for painting when I at least paint the hull. But there are those who get the anchor lining. But now they are also ready.
  23. Thank you Keith, yes it's a lot of work. But I think, bending them from sheet brass is't easier. For the Dragon I made it the same way.
  24. Hello, I'm busy with building the hinges for the port lids. For that I chiseled with an engraver a die out of a piece of steel and hardened it. The hinges itself I build from copper wire, hammered slightly flat, bent one end back and soldered it with tin Then I hammered it into the mould filed the surface at the back flat and at the disk sander I cut the sidelines flat The drilling I made by eye, 0,65 mm Ø And with that I rounded the back of the hinge And that is it, also with a prototype of an hinge pin. The pin is made from 0,6 mm brass wire. So, I think that I'm busy with them the next days. Today I build 10 hinges within 1,5 hours and I need 84 of them. 😟
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