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About palmerit

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    Nashville, TN, USA

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  1. Anyone have pointers on paint color options for a Dory? The Midwest kit doesn’t come with paint. I might have some paints I can use, but if I want some new colors I’d like to order so I have them in hand when I’m ready to paint.
  2. @JacquesCousteau I haven't heard about the "burnish the edge" trick. Is that after it's laid down on the surface?
  3. Definitely Tamiya tape. It's not only worked for me but I've found Youtube videos doing comparisons. Way better than frog tape (or regular masking tape). It's pricey but you don't use much of it. As noted, it comes in a bunch of widths. I use the narrow for curves, wider for when I just want to mask areas off. I opted to buy an Iwata Airbrush and have used Vallejo air paints. I also have some Vallejo brush paints. Airbrushing is a luxury (and if you're inside you want a booth to exhaust fumes) but it really does a nice job making a smooth coat. I've been working on a Vanguard (Sherbourne) model and painted some of the wood that had etchings on it and the etchings with airbrushing show perfectly. I'm sure someone with a deft hand could achieve that with a brush (especially if you thin the paint and do multiple layers). It's easier with an airbrush (once you learn how to use it). An airbrush is probably in the same category as a lathe (or a mill) in that it's certainly not necessary but nice to have (I have yet to splurge on a lathe or mill but have bought some other "unnecessary" toys). You definitely want to research the right primer for painting PE parts - lots of models come with them. You can't just use regular primer. I researched a bit on YouTube (the Fine Scale Modeler channel has a comparison) and on their recommendation got Tamiya Surface Primer (even though I use Vallejo paints). Regular acrylic primer doesn't work on PE.
  4. Do you mean where the knee is attached relative to the point at the bottom? The instructions provide a drawing that I tried to follow.
  5. The stern and bow knees are made by gluing two pieces together. After drying overnight I sanded off the char and glued the stern knee to the stern transom. The instructions for the front stem knee require measuring and marking two dots 1/8” inches from the front edge of the stem. But the stem is in total 1/8” wide. So I’m guessing it should be 1/16”. The instructions unfortunately don’t specify how far from the top and bottom to mark these two dots.
  6. I'm with you on that. I want something between just tying a plain knot and doing some intricate realistic rigging that you'd never even notice at 1:64 scale (let alone be something that I'd probably never be able to pull off, even at a far larger scale). I've seen some good videos on Youtube for doing ratlines (including using a clove hitch, which is pretty simple). I've also seen some videos on how to seize/whip a line (I bought a fly fishing tool for seizing but I haven't tried it yet). Please post if you find any of the books especially useful.
  7. Some of the planks at the stern were not laying flat so I used my trusty clamps. I know I could have sanded and filled, but I’d rather try to get everything to lay flat as much as possible before sanding and filling.
  8. I’ve found that clamps like these can use useful.. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00004SBCO?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_fed_asin_title&th=1
  9. Instructions say “there are two, Number Two (#2), die-cut sheets”. There’s only one #2 with twice as many parts.
  10. The instructions show the layout of sheet #1 and shade in the transom and stern cleat but the actual sheet is organized in a different way.
  11. The instructions and other build logs seem to require using the plans to line up pieces for gluing. So I took the plans to the FedEx near my office and had a couple copies made for around $5 (I probably only needed one copy).
  12. Has anyone used Pavel Nikitin Rope? I see that it's on deep discount at Model Expo. I was thinking of maybe getting some to replace the rope that comes with a couple of my Model Shipways / Midwest Products model kits. I saw that for the Midwest Dory kit I have that it lists on the parts list rope as: #6 x 3 feet #24 x 1 foot What does #6 and #24 translate into in terms of inches or mm when it comes to rope? I thought maybe it was like machinists measurements, but a #6 would be 5.1816mm and I'm pretty sure there wasn't a rope in the kit that thick (I'm at work, not at home, so maybe I'm wrong). Any ideas?
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