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Brigg Fair

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About Brigg Fair

  • Birthday 07/12/1955

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    God's own county.................Yorkshire
  • Interests
    Music, Architecture, Life

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  1. Hi I love the idea of different colour schemes such as yours. It does make me wonder how the kit manufacturers decide on the recommendations they make. I guess they are as much in the dark as the rest of us and just do what they think - unless they have some documentary proof. With the Victory, it will be possible to take colour samples on original timbers to get a good idea of the original colour scheme, much as they do in historic houses. I imagine virtually all the other ships will be speculation to differing degrees. No doubt the appearance of a ship will change over time as repairs and repainting is carried out in service so anything goes. That's my theory at least and it allows a Captain to do as the Admiral pleases (well that's the case in the Navy I'm in.........) Geoff
  2. I guess that as soon as you have finished this thread may go 'quiet'. Can I ask you to keep us in touch with progress through the process of bringing the kit to market eg samples of drawings and instructions that you intend to include? (anything to keep me going untill I can get my hands on the kit! ). One thing of particular interest is the approximate date when the kit will be on sale. I would hate to be only 6 months into a 5 year build when it goes on sale (only allowed one ship at a time ). I suppose this might be a big ask so I'll just keep my fingers crossed............. One last thing - have you found the time/energy to look at the lanterns? To my mind they are an important feature of the stern - and the rest of the model is so good................................. Thanks Geoff
  3. Hi Just a further comment on the use of roots for knees. I believe that trees were 'shaped' as they grew to form the basic shape for a variety of uses in the construction of a ships hull. I've no idea of how this might be done but it indicates the timescales they were working to were very long - decades. That's serious forward planning! Can anyone confirm this - or have I been dreaming?? Geoff
  4. Thanks for sharing the development of this model with us. It is really interesting to learn of the thought processes which lie behind the decisions you take. I particularly like the way you handle the need for the 'basic' kit to have more of a passing resemblance to the real thing while allowing the more experience modeller ample opportunity the make the model 'his/her own. You are to be congratulated on this project. I'd also like to congratulate the (Managing Director?) of Victory Models who have had the courage and foresight to commission you to design and build this flagship model (pun intended....) I'm more than impressed with the quarter galleries. For me, these, along with the stern are a make or break item - these are spot on! I have wondered about how you were going to tackle the three lanterns on the stern. The original in Portsmouth has lanterns which are vertical on the leading face and a significant slope aft. I can't make out from the photographs if the ones you have are like the original eccentric plan or a simple regular concentric plan section (like JoTiKa's). I had planned on building a Victory during my (ship) modelling career. Just let me know where to send the cheque Once again - thanks!! Geoff
  5. Hi This is a beautiful build of a beautiful ship. Congratulations - you must be very proud of her! There is one thing I've noticed - and I'm really sorry about this - but on the stern, you appear to have transposed the two acanthus leaf(?) decorative swirls situated at either end of the windows to the cabin on the quarter deck. I've thought long and hard about raising this but the quality of what you've done and the attention to detail you've shown suggests its the kind of thing you would wish to attend to? I hope I'm not wrong!!! - if I am - I'm sorry!!!!!!!!! Geoff
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