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Everything posted by Carmelo5150

  1. I deleted the picture of my Red Dragon build from your thread , didn't want to confuse your followers.
  2. Finished initial planking of the deck. Regular Elmer's wood glue worked great. Thanks for the tip Nigel.
  3. Had to skip ahead a bit and attach the keel to be able to fasten it to the keel klamp .
  4. I sprayed the hull with shellac before attaching the false deck. To keep it together more than anything else. The lining is very fragile and tends to splinter at the edges. P.S. : Fingerprint scanners do not work after a few hours of model building. ( lesson learned ). lol
  5. Started on the hull lining. The instructions suggest you use contact cement. I used quick dying ( cyanoacrylate ) on one side and white glue ( carpenter's ) on the other side for just a couple of strips and found they both work. Is there any specific reason you would need a specific adhesive ? Just curious.
  6. I don't mind at all , Nigel. I've already picked up a few good ideas from your build.
  7. Looks great ! That clamp is a great idea. Is that something you made or bought ?
  8. Nice work. I appreciate all the technical pics . As a novice , they really help out.
  9. After a few small Midwest models , I'm trying my hand at something bigger. Here we go....
  10. Looks awesome! Just started my Red Dragon after finishing a few small kits. As soon as I figure it out I'll start a build log.
  11. I bought a collection of vintage models a few weeks ago. They are from the 1940's and 1950's. I've noticed that some of the parts are made of lead. Oars, Figureheads, etc . Is it safe to work on these models or should I try to fashion the lead parts out of wood ? I've attached pics. Thanks.
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