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About Fortres

  • Birthday 06/17/1960

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  • Location
    Ukraine, Dniprodzerzhynsk

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  1. Hello, Alexandru! That I see is splendidly ! Accept my congratulations!
  2. Hello, Rob ! Do you build the model still ?! It is good. Beautiful things, as cognac - with age become better. And I for time which passed, did here such model and resource http://verfnasnastole.blogspot.com/ Welcome
  3. Rob, I envy and welcome your spirit of collective ! For us, wherein(private) the houses - every owner can clean part of street before the court(and can not clean)...and in city, where at home for many floors is a very rare case, when lodgers will go out to clean the court or even stairwell in an entrance ! Offensively ! And these people dream to become the European country ! Nonsense !
  4. Rob, does appear, snow melts too for you ?! Not disordered - all passes. Building of models of ships is eternal ! It is my native Dnipropetrovsk by a past summer. It is Odesa - on May, 31 2013. Konstantin
  5. I did not understand - what objects you asked about
  6. Gary, from where this photo ? on him shown not H.M.S. Victory. Pay attention to nasal figure. However, the same dock in that in 1922 stood H.M.S. Victory. Konstantin
  7. Photo kindly Rob(http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/732 - hms - victory - by - rob - g - caldercraft - jotika - 1805 - version/) gave me. A cylinder instead of bowsprit is a "technological template", for prevention of breakage of недгедсов during the reconstruction (of недгедсы were lost and transferable layouts. Farther more the template of bowsprit was replaced by a bowsprit from a metallic pipe
  8. In 1805 during Trafalgar, a ship had a row of substantial differences, from that is shown today. Here sketch of Joseph Mallord William Turner(1775‑1851), that is drawn in December 1805 abovedeck ship in Portsmouth. Pay attention to : -taken off beakhead; - ladders on pop-deck; - steering wheel and binnacle(naktouz); -small cannons on rails of pop-deck; ladder in a "admiral" hatch, going along with a starboard. In addition, 1803 to the Starboard Side Entrance Port looked so. And on the picture of the same Joseph Mallord William Turner "Trafalgar battle" he in general is not shown.As well as on the sketches of December, 1805. Konstantin.
  9. Hello, colleagues ! I use computer translation, on it not everything I understand. But main understood - you discuss a question that interests me - about heaved up nasal part of midl deck before a beakhead bulkhead. I got a photo on that evidently, that as early as 1983 there was original nasal part of deck that was covered by a heaved up a platform at a reconstruction 1922-1925 year. I am sure that a deck it was heaved up exactly then. In 1816 on shipboard did a round nasal partition and ship began to look so. In Royal Museums Greenwich the draft of deck is kept from June, 17, 1830, where evidently, that a deck extends to the nose without getting up. In such kind a ship was 1925 to, when did a reconstruction, used drafts from 1788 from Royal Museums Greenwich. Then heaved(probably) up nasal part of deck, what to even her with the grate of latrine. Konstantin.
  10. Rob, I freely talk on Russian and Ukrainian...but I give preference to Russian... Probably, I am a not patriot...
  11. Daniel, that you see that snow on the weather-board of sides is convolute bunks in a net for bunks covered by a tarpaulin. In respect of the shown picture - "Trafalgar battle", written to order of George IV in 1823 ), identical sizes with linen "Victory Lord-Hau, or Glorious Before June 1794", Philip-Jacques de Loutherbourg( 1795). Этапара of pictures had to become part of sequence of the battle pictures related to the Hannover dynasty of monarchs after cosmetic repair of main halls in a palace Sent-Jayms...
  12. Daniel, that you see that snow on the weather-board of sides is convolute bunks in a net for bunks covered by a tarpaulin. In respect of the shown picture - "Trafalgar battle", written to order of George IV in 1823 ), identical sizes with linen "Victory Lord-Hau, or Glorious Before June 1794", Philip-Jacques de Loutherbourg( 1795). Этапара of pictures had to become part of sequence of the battle pictures related to the Hannover dynasty of monarchs after cosmetic repair of main halls in a palace Sent-Jayms...
  13. I pay attention to the worthiest public that beautiful feed gallery with balconies on HMS Victory cleaned February 1800 - April 1803 at "large repair". In Trafalgar a ship entered with a stern look like that today. In addition, during a battle a ship looked not so as we are told today. All internal partitions were cleaned, small cannons stood on quarterdeck(at least). Causes a question and presence of side entrances...in any event peaks above them and doorways.Probably entrances were reconditioned in gun ports. Finally, most exactly HMS Victory shows in Trafalgar of Mallord William Turner(1775‑1851), that sketched on shipboard in December, 1805, when a ship went to Portsmouth.
  14. Rob, it is a fragment of draft of model from Mamoli 1 : 90... Here we see even 13 stripes from above... A draft can be found in a network ...or I can to you to deport him.
  15. Rob, I want to specify... The photo over brought by you shows the moment of renewal of foreship... Cylinder that we see - not exactly bowsprit, and "working" his temporal imitation. In this place a bowsprit passes between knighthead.Interval under a bowsprit between knighthead mortgage details from a tree. What this construction did not break a secret during other works, of preceding to setting of bowsprit, instead of bowsprit put a cylinder equal to the bowsprit on a diameter. And at the end of works set the real bowsprit.
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