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Kevin Kenny

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Everything posted by Kevin Kenny

  1. The building board is made from high quality MDF instead of high quality plywood which is not available here in Trinidad
  2. Mounted the frame plan on the building board and will have to get it done again on heavier paper as the full strength PVA glue distorted the paper. I will use a photo paper for the next attempt.
  3. Well you were all correct as I have Judy gotten all the plans at 2/4” scale ancestral frame was over size . So now just trying figure out how to construct the building board.
  4. Just received the Black brass at my daughter in NY but won’t get it till Christmas
  5. 5:1 Maybe thats my issue GREG as i only diluted mine 1:1. Never got good results. Someone recommended these products to me, i cant remember who. Both bottles say they will blacken brass but no instruction on the label on how to apply the solution or any suggested dilution rate. In terms of heating i use a baby bottle warmer for cleaning brass. It took a while to get Pyrex cups as all my drinking glasses kept breaking. The Pyrex works great. kevin
  6. Hi Henry i use Jax pewter black and had the same issue as I applied it full strength. Then someone commented that I needed to dilute it with 50% water and it retained the blackness much better. It never made sense to me but it worked better when diluted . Having said that I just took them out and they are no longer as black as I remember so hopefully some experienced person will respond.
  7. I have not printed all the scantlings yet . I had to look up scantlings. Humm. I will one day get all these terms under my belt. The larger frame does look double the size of the smaller frame and the measurement are all double.
  8. This is like with like. The smaller frame above was a rejected frame from the Thorn just to give a comparison. This is frame 33 and all the measurement are double the 1/8” scale. The inside drawing is at 1/8 scale.
  9. No but its its correct. It looks bigger than it is because of the way Hahn constructs the model. 2” off the top is removed.
  10. Hi Greg the CD’s may have been done by Bob Hunt, the owner of Lauck Street Shipyard (https://www.lauckstreetshipyard.com).
  11. Hi Greg thanks for the response. There is no way i will be rigging a model of that size. It may be Dave Stevens CD’s i am not home to check it but will do so in a week as i noticed a lot of copywrite notices . I am sure Hahn did not do them, they were supplied when i purchase the plans from the family. It was a while ago and cant remember the details of how i got everything. The most important thing is all the plans are available in CAD. With reference to scale i have a friend who owns a high end copy center. I was pleasantly surprised that he was able to print perfectly scaled up drawings from the CAD drawings supplied in the CD’s. And more importantly he has agreed to do it for me at no cost. Thats always encouraging. I am at the point of just trying to put every thing in place to start the build some time next year when Thorn is complete. And Thorn will be fully rigged. Not sure i will use his jig to make the frames other than to experiment with it. Its the same jig i saw in Rev Remaro practium for the Warrior. Your methods of frame construction have convinced me that this is the preferred method. I am in Tobago for a week but will produce 4 frames when i get back just to get a feel of the width of the finished model. I am almost convinced to build her in 1/4” scale but was interested in hearing of the experience of people who made large models which they kept at home. If it becomes a problem i can always put it in our cottage where i already have a few of my finished models. again thanks for the feedback. kevin
  12. The Janus which was renamed Dromedary sank when she hit Parasol rock, but they did not change the name of the rock
  13. The difference between 1:48 and 1:96 scale. The larger frame is the HMS Ulysses. Thinking about the scale but it worries me about the size of the finish model.
  14. Starting research on building a model of the HMS Ulysses the ship that brought my ancestor Chevalier Michel Julian de Verteuil to Trinidad in 1797 .
  15. Hi Anthony. thanks for the kind offer but i have already ordered dry transfer for the lettering. Out of curiosity what material would she cut the stencil out of . The height of the lettering is just over 1/4” and the font is any serif font like Times Roman etc THORN.
  16. Thanks i got it from Greg this morning. Best regards kevin
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