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Jaekon Lee

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Everything posted by Jaekon Lee

  1. Thank you all for these kind words and likes. As a beginner of model ship building, all your words makes me happy. At this moment, I'm confused with bearding line at the deadwood for the aft cant frames because I can't find it from Goodwin's drawings. I think I have to draw it by myself as a reasonable smooth line. Anyway, I start to cutting frame components and it may takes few days to finish.
  2. Part 2. Assembly of stem post, apron, keel, rising wood, stem post, inner post, dead wood. Keelson assembly was also finished. Rabbet trench for the plank board was carved at this moment. Please estimate the size and scale of this boat with 150mm ruler.
  3. Oops, I missed one. In this work, I'm using black colored bond to emphasis the bonding line because normal bonding line is almost invisible. Black bond is made by mixing small amount of carbon black into normal white glue. How about the result?
  4. Many thanks for welcoming. I'm building this cute boat based on the plans of "Anatomy of the ship" book with little modification as I can. I use mostly pear timber and clinker type planking will be done. Anyway, this small boat will take long time to finish because I don't use power tools only except mini drill
  5. Hi, First posting trial to join this community!
  6. Wow, beautiful work. I need two weeks to read all the posts.^^* Greetings from Korea. Lee
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