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Everything posted by FredSC

  1. All very helpful. Like Don, I wonder about prep.
  2. Adam, We all know that the only way to avoid mistakes, to say nothing of criticism, is to do nothing. I think what you are doing is a great service to the model community and i, for one, appreciate it, expect to benefit from it and don't much care it it is not "perfect", whatever that means, since that is an entirely subjective term anyway. Thanks for doing it.
  3. Adam, A terrific idea. Maybe especially for people (like me) who think "code' Is pig Latin or quantum entanglement, but who knows what that is(?)
  4. Joe, You and Timmo have set a really high standard for a Grenado build. Every time I see new pics I think what these guys are doing is amazing. At the same time, while still trying to get planks flat on bulkheads and filler blocks on my Grenado, I'm thinking, If only I had known that you also have to be an accomplished artist to do this stuff.... Sure, it can be plain vanilla without the additional detail you both have done (and surely hard enough at that), but seeing what it can look like requires an effort. When, as and if I get near the details your pics show, I'll go to a large art supply store in nearby Savannah, GA and describe the issues. If nothing else, it might be good for a chuckle. Meanwhile, the build goes on.
  5. Thanks, wq. The plan also shows no rabbet line, but I'm cutting one in at the bottom of the keel so planks will lie sort of flat against the false keel. Sound right? Don't know what I'll do at the stem, but I will work it out.
  6. This is a test. I am going to send the plan photo I tried to send before.
  7. Thanks, Joe. Already I can tell this will take a while, so I'll take the time to try to get it right.
  8. Thanks, wq. I've been trying to add a picture of the plan to show the line going through the bottom of #9 bulkhead (also #10, but less), but trying to follow the How to Add Photos instructions I can't get the photo up,so I'll have to learn how to do that another time. Anyway, I had already transferred the bearding line from the plan to the keel and test fitted the bulkheads. Sure enough, the line passes through the bottoms of both bulkheads just as shown on the plan, although less. I do have the correct bulkheads in the right places (good thought though) and the tops are flush with the top of the keel. I conclude from all this that your solution is the way to go and my apprehension probably results from lack of familiarity with plans in general. I'll have to get over it. Thanks again.
  9. I've looked at so many tutorials I can hardly see straight, but none (I can find) address this problem: the Grenado plans show the bearding line forward and going aft through the slot for #9 bulkhead. The result would seem to be a loose bulkhead and no discernible use in laying planks. Help!
  10. Joe, Your log starts with the bearding and rabbet lines already cut. The Grenado plans show the bearding line but not the rabbet line. I'm guessing it's because they assume that everyone knows what to do. Well, not everyone does. Do you just go along the bottom and front of the keel about 1/16 and cut about 1/32 deep?
  11. Joe, Apparently obvious to many, but what did you use for filler blocks and how did you shape them? I've heard that scroll saws are used, which I don't have. My Grenado will be a slow go.
  12. Don't feel bad, I've spent a couple of hours today trying to do just that when I couldn't get signed on.
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