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Everything posted by mattsayers148

  1. Thanks CaptainSteve, What I found out was that it really only works well on dry cloth. Once it gets wet it doesn't want to accept more stain pigment. Because of this I took these pics and did another dunk. It was a simple process. I took grey minwax and just put a few drops into hot water. When churned, the wax sticks to the side of container leaving little pigment balls floating. Then lay dry cloth onto surface and the pigment soakes in fast without much bleeding. Not really rocket science, I was just shooting for a unique look. Not nearly as good as your poopy sails:) Matt
  2. Well here they are. Now I need to make the spars. On a previous build, I made the spars first and had to remake them because they were too small.
  3. Hey Goerge, A bit about them chipmunks here in Oregon. You never know where they are or when you'll find them. Can't even go to work without them tryin to hitch a ride home in your toolbox! Years back while camping with my kids and my best friend, a freak accident happened that resulted in the demise one said chipmunk. So I used this chance to teach my kids some survival techniques and about the sanctity of life. I won't get into everything, but its suffice to say that they can no longer claim to NOT know what chipmunks taste like. This just might be what's goin on in my head. Matt Disclaimer: no animal was hurt during this photo shoot. He was kindly fed a banana and some water, then returned to the wild.
  4. Ok now, for real this time. Sails are done and drying. So tomorrow when I get home I shall unwrap the beast and see what I've brought forth. I have a feeling a chipmunk or two might have been in there collaborating with them squirrels. I shall keep my fingers crossed and hope this doesn't look like a botched Botox job!
  5. Hey CaptainSteve, You know, after all the work that's involved with these sail, I shouldn't quit my day job! About 5pm Saturday, I stretched and reached for my trusty pipe and Captain Black, taking a moment to see my progress. This was the same moment I told my wife, "I've been at this sail since I awoke at 4:30am! I think I may have a problem." I now see why so many sails are furled! Matt
  6. Hey CaptainSteve, Well it's sort of a mild separation of pigment and wax. Placing droplet of a selected wax stain into hot water and vigorously agitating makes the wax to surface(like oil on water). The pigments then become suspended in the water because they still have traces of wax on them. The churning allows the wax to adhere to the sides of the container so when you drop the cloth in you get tiny little dots of pigment throughout. The challenge is how much stain to add and how much you let the water cool down, so it gets touchy. Hopefully it works on the sails like it did on the test. Hey Cathead, Thank you and to all the likes, The sign of a true craftsman is not the ability to make no mistakes, it's the ability to fix the mistakes so that no one can tell. I have yet to reach this level. Matt
  7. Hey Ken, So me and Jordan looked closely at the "transom" issue. The bench and backrest appear to completely cover the writing. I know you're past the point of flipping it around but this may help those just beginning. I was able to sand mine out as well and it turned out pretty good. Just had to fade the sanding as far as possible to make it less noticeable. Good luck. Matt
  8. Hey Cathead, Looking good. The dent issue can usually be solved by isolated steaming. You can take a rag and moisten, place it over the dent and then use, say a soldering iron, then rub the heat source over the wet rag to create the steam. I've use this prosses on oak. A much more aggressive approach was used, and I got great results. I had the same issue with my fore thwart and bow grate. I decided to place pieces back into its template space and used the corresponding sides to lenghthen the the pieces. That way all the grains match up and once glued, stained and sanded it becomes extremely hard to detect. The thwarts are the only items that are effected by this, so this became a safe and easier way to solve the problem. Good luck. Matt
  9. Hey Ken, Thank you and thanks to everyone for all the likes. I'm almost done with the bolt ropes. My little experimental swatches of sail cloth finally were dry and ready for inspection. All but one didn't make the cut. The process I used is very temperamental so I'm going to have to take my time so I don't botch the whole thing. Once I finish them, pics will follow. Matt
  10. Well now...hairy coconuts, bird poop, and now crap? Just what are you up to, CaptainSteve? You are either a brilliant genius or making a brew to knock-off the competition!? Matt
  11. Hey CaptainSteve, I plan on furling my sails as well. I've found a few diagrams, but I'm still trying to find one with the proper rigging. Help!? Matt
  12. Got all my sewing done. I have a few sample pieces soaking in a test bath. Depending on how they turn out will determine if I apply it to the whole sails or not. I'll be adding bolt ropes after I decide if there will be a color change or not.
  13. Hey Ken, How's your build going? I've been waiting to see how your stain looks. Matt
  14. See, I figured this way that Jordan's squirrels and mine might get together and...I wonder if this boat can fly? Matt
  15. Hey Pops,CaptainSteve, Buck, George and Michael, Thank you guys, I might have to have surgery to reduce the swelling on my brain before there's permanent damage(or just more). Oh yes, there's plenty to add still to my box. The sails are the last big things to make. Then on to the finer details, which as things go on this build, may be summer before I finish. Here's a shot at an almost complete sail. I most likely will furl the sails so as not to block the view. Matt
  16. Hey CaptainSteve, Well my ailment list might have gone to a new level, hoarding. This is a good thing cuz I just happen to have an extra HMS Bounty Launch. So my son Jordan is about to embark on a three hour tour! Matt
  17. Hey Cathead, I work with wood products on a regular basis and these are common issues that arise: temperature and humidity. If you use more liquid than solid, it will shrink while drying, then add stain, and it all washes away. Like Keith, I've stained mine multiple times, each with a light coat, scrapping in between. One coat staining rarely turns out very well, especially with thin pieces like in these models. My suggestion at this point would be to make a small mock-up, replicating the issues and concerns you have. This way you'll be able to find the right mixture for your conditions. It may need a little more or a little less than others have used. Once you get it just right, then attack your boat like an army of squirrels! Everything looks good at this point, so don't pull out the wood chipper. If a suggestion doesn't work for you, try, try again until you find your sweet spot. Matt
  18. Well, I did my 5 chisels for the week. I might have to add ADHD to my list of ailments. My launch looked a bit naked so I started on the sails, one down, one to go. Will post pics when I get them done, hopefully tomorrow. Hey! CaptainSteve and Buck! Is that you guys on that boat?
  19. Hey Buck, I might have to put that bucket on my bucket list. Either they need to start making the penny larger, or you're gonna have to crack yer knuckles and shoot for 1:100! Awesome work, now I have to buy the Optivisor just to see your work on my screen! Matt
  20. Hey Buck, Your pictures say many millions of words. Seeing your works of art, I can't wait to see your up game! Matt
  21. Hey CaptainSteve, I can only do what them squirrels tell me to do. Other than almost falling on my head when I took off the glasses, my first effort is well...my first effort. I think it'll get better with time. Hey George, Thanks for the info. I always forget about the dollar store, I usually go there when traveling. Matt
  22. Hey Mike, Thank you for your kind words. I have to share the positive words with my fellow builders. If it wasn't for their help and encouragement, I'd have this build done long ago. If you haven't done so already, you should check out CaptainSteve's Kit~basher's Guide to the Galaxy. There are many examples of the ingenuity displayed in this forum. Matt
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