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    Angarfather got a reaction from popash42 in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    To finish the deck I had to model the pinrail.
    At first the wooden parts.

    one of the rolls



    Cheers Hartmut
  2. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from popash42 in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Hello again!
    All hatches on maindeck




    Cheers Hartmut
  3. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from popash42 in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Planking the deck.
    First stepp: milling and mounting of the waterway 






    Cheerio  Hartmut
  4. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from popash42 in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    First job in 2016 was to make the cabins table.


    second the crews area staircase



    Cheerio! Hartmut
  5. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from popash42 in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Many thanks for all your kind words   
    Frist I had some problems to make the bricks. I tryed to model they from wood, but that looks like firewood for the fireplace. At last I remembered a forgotten box with restovers from railway modelling long time ago. And in it I found three varietys of brickwall paper. Exactly what I was looking for.
    And this is the coloured fireplace. I did use Oxid of Chromium (green) Raw Sienna and Van Dyk Brown. As a friend of mine ( his is an restorer himself) says are this colours which are used for such decorations in the baroque. 

    Cheers Hartmut
  6. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from tadheus in La Salamandre by tadheus - 1:24   
    Hello Paul!
    Perfect craftmanship I must say!
    Cheers Hartmut
  7. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from flying_dutchman2 in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Hello again!
    All hatches on maindeck




    Cheers Hartmut
  8. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from Piet in La Salamandre by tadheus - 1:24   
    Hello Paul!
    Perfect craftmanship I must say!
    Cheers Hartmut
  9. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from mtaylor in La Salamandre by tadheus - 1:24   
    Hello Paul!
    Perfect craftmanship I must say!
    Cheers Hartmut
  10. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from Jeronimo in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Hello again!
    All hatches on maindeck




    Cheers Hartmut
  11. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from flying_dutchman2 in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Planking the deck.
    First stepp: milling and mounting of the waterway 






    Cheerio  Hartmut
  12. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from tadheus in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Hello again!
    All hatches on maindeck




    Cheers Hartmut
  13. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from Laurence_B in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Hello again!
    All hatches on maindeck




    Cheers Hartmut
  14. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from ggrieco in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Hello again!
    All hatches on maindeck




    Cheers Hartmut
  15. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from janos in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Hello again!
    All hatches on maindeck




    Cheers Hartmut
  16. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from Piet in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Hello again!
    All hatches on maindeck




    Cheers Hartmut
  17. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from Mahuna in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Planking the deck.
    First stepp: milling and mounting of the waterway 






    Cheerio  Hartmut
  18. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from popash42 in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Thanks for your  nice comments and all the Likes!!
    A little update. The deck beams in the cabin area.


    Cheers Hartmut
  19. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from archjofo in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Hello again!
    All hatches on maindeck




    Cheers Hartmut
  20. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from janos in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Planking the deck.
    First stepp: milling and mounting of the waterway 






    Cheerio  Hartmut
  21. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from flying_dutchman2 in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Thanks for your  nice comments and all the Likes!!
    A little update. The deck beams in the cabin area.


    Cheers Hartmut
  22. Like
    Angarfather reacted to Piet in Surabaya by Piet - 1/80 - Mid 17th-Century VOC ship   
    Today was rather productive, albeit short.  I didn't get to the shipyard till around ten a m but soldered the second anchor together.  Then it was cleaning them and roughly polishing them.  I don't want them to appear as jewelry, leaving them a little rustic like the ship is, a good match.
    Next step was installing the stock.  I put a small dab of CA at the center anchoring bolt and then some PVA at the ends of the stock.
    Next I made the rings for the anchor cable.  This posed a slight problem because the shank in square and I had to make the ring with a flat part that goes through the shank. It was a little tricky getting the ring to look like a ring yet also let it rotate in the shank.  Next problem was soldering the ends together in such a way to make it look like a forged ring.  I don't know if anyone on the forum ever have welded iron rings like chain links, in a black smithy or forge fire.  Very tricky - yes I have.  In any case this reminded me of that process. I filed both ends to a taper so that when thy are soldered together they should look like one piece.  Perhaps I'm making it a lot more difficult then need be, again not really knowing how they did it in 1665.  It turned out acceptable to me and if it's not the way it should be Jan will most certainly let me know.  One more thing I need to look at using the URL Jan gave me.
    \I normally don't start with MSW till late in the evening, sorry Jan for not yet getting to look at the model in the Rijksmuseum.  Tomorrow for sure, before I do anything else.
    After lunch I cleaned up and started making the bands for around the stock.  I made three that are actually ready to be put on and the ends soldered.  Then it was time to close shop.  I cancelled the order for the iron bands
    Tomorrow we'll make the bolts for the stock and finish the anchors.  There is still a smaller anchor I want to make.  We'll see - the 3.2 mm brass bar is a little to hefty for the smaller anchor and ordering a smaller bar at the total cost of $12.00 is a little much at tgis stage - - unless I hand machine these down.

    Here I am in the process of filing the ring ends to a taper.  If you squint real good you may be able to see the spit and start of the taper.  I had to put a toothpick in it to hold the ring up for the picture.

    Here we see the finished ring.

    Here are both main anchors posing for the picture.  Now the only thing left are the bolts that hold the stock pieces together.
    I hope all yuns approve.
  23. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from archjofo in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Planking the deck.
    First stepp: milling and mounting of the waterway 






    Cheerio  Hartmut
  24. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from avsjerome2003 in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Planking the deck.
    First stepp: milling and mounting of the waterway 






    Cheerio  Hartmut
  25. Like
    Angarfather got a reaction from Piet in Statenjacht Utrecht by Angarfather - 1:36   
    Many thanks, guys !
    next job will be to make the other hatches. To make the hatch of the skylight of the cabin will be a little bit fiddly fore its an octagon.
    Regards Hartmut
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