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Everything posted by IgorSky

  1. Hi Patrick, One side of the bottle made of smooth glass. Best Regards! Igor.
  2. Hi everyone! Next small update Checking on the stand Best Regards! Igor.
  3. Hi David, I use these threads for rigging And I used for this model the planks of the light pears (0.5x0.5 mm, 0.5x0.8 mm, 0.5x1.2 mm), the planks of the pink pears and bamboo toothpick
  4. Hi Bob, This is not the smallest of my models )) Please, look at these galeries of the miniSiBs: But my wife does not like too small models of SiB ))
  5. Hi Carl, Please, look at here: https://translate.google.ru/translate?hl=ru&sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fru.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2F%D0%9A%D0%BE%D1%87 https://translate.google.ru/translate?hl=ru&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Ftehno-science.ru%2Fhistory-2791.html This is the translations made by the google translator. Best Regards! Igor.
  6. Hi Carl and Patrick! Thanks for LIKES! Carl, yes, my trained ants have made the my order as I wanted. )) You can look more about of this type of ships here: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9A%D0%BE%D1%87 http://tehno-science.ru/history-2791.html Best Regards! Igor.
  7. Hi everyone! Next update - the sail. Best Regards! Igor.
  8. Thanks Mark, SOS, David and all for yours LIKEs! David, all these parts are very easy to make. The pump consists of the piece of the syringe needle of 0.6 mm diameter, the piece of wood 0,3x0,3x0,5 mm and the piece of wire diameter 0.15 mm. Barrel made of bamboo toothpicks and the thin black thread. Best Regards! Igor.
  9. Thanks Carl! Ha-ha-ha! I will be think about this )))
  10. Hi Patrick, ioannis, Bob and Carl! Thank you for your words of encouragement and thanks all for yours LIKEs! A small yesterday's update here - I have added the pumps and the barrel: Best Regards! Igor.
  11. In a similar way I am glueing the rest of the planks to the hull
  12. The next stage - I am planking the hull. The technology is simple - to wet, to curve, to dry, to glue, to dry, to trim excess. The first plank I am glue along the edge of the side-deck
  13. I use the traditional materials: body - light pear, pink pear, bamboo for the mast. So I am starting with the manufacture of the deck-top part of hull and bottom underwater hull. This technique I use when the size of the model does not allow to make for deck plating in the traditional way.
  14. I started very small project to digress a little from my other "prolonged" projects. A little history from book "Koch – Russian polar ship: research and reconstruction problems": Koch – unique polar ship of pre Peters time is presented. Created by the Pomors, Koch became the only ship in the world that was adapted to sail in the ice conditions during the Epoch of Great Geographical Discoveries. Due to Koch, Russian manufactures and explorers could begin mastering of the Northern Sea Way, colonise the vast northern area, and found new settlements beyond the polar circle. Nowadays there are only written witnesses about Koch but the exact outlook and ships construction is unknown. Based on archaeological excavations and scientific research of recent years the reconstruction program of Russian koch and preparation of the historical experiment to sail by the reconstructed ship was proposed. Realisation of this program will let Russian koch to be placed among the unique objects of World heritage such as the balsa raft «Коп-Tiki», reconstructed by Tour Heyerdal, and papyrus boat "Ra". When building the model I use these drawings from the magazine "Modelist Constructor" 1973, №10 By the way, the second reason why I wanted to start this project was this "bottle":
  15. Thanks Carl and Mark for good words! In reality, all these parts are easy to manufacture. I try to use ordinary materials and I am using not sophisticated tools. Best Regards! Igor.
  16. Hi Bob! A bit of illusions, a bit of sleight of hands and ...voila )) Thank you Bob! Best Regards! Igor.
  17. Ha-ha-ha Patrick, if you only knew what I feel about myself, when I look at on your Symphony ))
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