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Everything posted by IgorSky

  1. Hi Patrick, Mike, Pete, Mark, Bob and all who are interested in this little project! A lot of thanks for likes and good words! I'm really flattered by the your compliments! I think that each of you can make the same and I'm sure in that when I look in your's logs! And one more today's small update - preparation for the mast. And just at the second attempt Best Regards! Igor.
  2. Current state Thanks Carl! The first option of the winch will be in the box with garbage Yes, I have somewhere the box of matches for the fireplace, but usually I am using a different match for my photosYes, I have somewhere the box of matches for the fireplace, but usually I am using a different match for my photos -
  3. Thanks Carl, Patrick and Mark and all for your likes and comments! In fact, this construction is very simple and consists of only three parts. I used the brass tube with the diameter of 0.8 mm, the brass wire with the diameter of 0.4 mm and the thin strip of brass that bent in a corner. Yes, Carl, I agree. Large scale gives the opportunity to make more of the details. Patrick, honestly, without an increase in these parts and I myself can not see well them. My wife asks me why I do these small parts if they are not well visible.But all I can say - this is what I'm doing them for yourself, to know that they are there Mark, I would love to find couple of matches of this size, for example, from pears, boxwood or hornbeam :) Best Regards! Igor.
  4. Thanks Pete and all who put on the button Like for your interest to this project! The smal, very smal today's progress: Best Regards! Igor.
  5. Many thanks for this photo, Mike! Yeah, now I got some answers! And I will have the opportunity to try use the Lawrence's experience in the making of the signal lights Patrick, the large boats I made it just to try as it work. 2 smallest boats are for Atlantic Best Regards! Igor.
  6. I had not thought of that. Yes, I should to do this chimney of the furnace. Thanks, Mike!
  7. Hi Mike! A lot of thanks for these photos! Yes, it seems my winch a little bit similar on real winch ... I think to try to blacken her tomorrow. And I can not figure out what it is (see photo) This is reminiscent to me of the exhaust pipe. O, it seems the winch is behind the mast?
  8. Hi Bob, Yes, it is true! So, my today's attempts to make the deck houses: First they were too big - And I was forced to do them again - Bob, I tried to build boats of different sizes, but I could not place them of all in the bottles. I think Dimitris will may not worry about this Best Regards! Igor.
  9. Hi Dimitris, Thank you for your confidence! What sizes you need the boats ? I am ready to help make them from 2 to 20 mm :) Best Regards! Igor.
  10. Hi Patrick, Thanks for support! I am making the deck's houses now. I think it need to finish all deck detailes and then to see as they looks together. Best Regards! Igor.
  11. Hi everyone! Many thanks for support and your interest to this project. Today's morning update - one more winch. Now for the RS-1 Unfortunately I do not have the reliable drawing of this winch, so I trying to do something similar and appropriate size. I have some doubts about the size. It seems it's a bit big for this boat. Best Regards! Igor.
  12. Hi Noah, OK, I will send the drawings that I have in electronic form Tuesday. I found that in my home I have only paper versions. Best Regards! Igor
  13. Hi Ben, Yes, this method allows me to get the flat and smooth waterlines and the strips. I never can to draw them exactly. I fly a paraglider for almost 20 years. And my first flight was on a hang glider in 1986 Best Regards! Igor.
  14. Hi Bob, Mark, Mike! Thanks for good words! I have not quite finished this project. I have to make the stopper. I'm looking for a suitable piece of wood. Best Regards! Igor.
  15. Thanks Mike! Your opinion means a lot to me in this project! Best Regards! Igor.
  16. Hi everyone, Many thanks for good word and Likes! Today's update: Best Regards! Igor. P.S. Mike, long weekends and non-flying weather provide an essential increase in the rate of construction
  17. Hi Noah, I can send the drawings that I have in your email address Best Regards! Igor.
  18. Thanks, Bob! Evening's update - the planking of the hull. Best Regards! Igor.
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