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Everything posted by peveka

  1. Hi Henrik Welcome to the forum! I will be following your build with interest. Best of luck and enjoy. You'll find a lot of very friendly and helpful people here! Is this your first build? Cheers Pieter
  2. Yeah, to feel it coming on your clogs doesn't really make sense ... sounds like John O'Mill.
  3. Please no ... I am going to paint it though, maybe white with blue stripes? It's funny how ideas keep popping up once you've started a build like this. It's a real challenge ;o)
  4. Thanks for all the likes! Nulli gets a boat! A friend of mine gave me this little gem and the scale is spot on. Cheers Pieter
  5. After having finished the fist row I'm starting with the second. The sequence of positioning the planks is given: A, B, etc. The reason for this is that one has to be able to glue in the boxes for the dummy guns. So after A came B, then the boxes, then the "fillers" between A and B. After that came C (see pic) and now it's time for D. Of course one could measure the distance between C and D - i.e. 10mm, the width of two planks - but I find it easier to dry-fit two planks above C and then dry-fit D into it's correct position. Then remove the two in between and glue D. Pic below. A and C are glued, then come the two spacers and D on top of those. Next: take out the spacers and glue D. Then position the dummy gun boxes. Cheers Pieter
  6. Nope, I'm going to the kitchen to do some serious wokking ;o)
  7. Small update. Finished the first row of gunports on both sides, nothing really exiting. Cheers Pieter
  8. Can anyone tell me how to create a "current build" link to Bellona in the signature-area? Cheers Pieter
  9. Welcome Henrik You'll find this forum a very agreeable spot to dwell! Enjoy. Cheers Pieter
  10. I had certain veins already de-clogged three times so thank you for your consideration! I will gladly wait 350 years for the next declogafication. Today Nulli got her first teeth! The gunports aren't finished yet but I wanted to get a rough idea about the dimensions. I have put an ancient Dutch coin into this still life to show the scale. To all the non-Dutch: the coin on the right is a so called dubbeltje (worth 10 old cents) and when you look at the hole in the middle of a random CD you'll see the exact dimensions of this coin. The highly payed and brilliant Dutch engineers who so cleverly designed the CD have been pondering for ages on how big the hole in the middle should be until one of them (without the shadow of a doubt a Nobel-prize candidate) came up with the idea to make it the size of a dubbeltje. This is not a joke. Go check. Cheers Pieter
  11. I hope we'll find out more in about 350 years when (if) they find his first model ...
  12. I find this thread is developing into a sandalous direction.
  13. Going from a clog to the Wasa is sort of a downgrade, isn't it?
  14. Hi Horst herzlich willkommen bei den Sägemehlschnupfern ;o) Have fun Cheers Pieter
  15. Let's hope they can find some foot there. And that the water isn't laced with some fungus...
  16. They'll probably send out a signal SAVE OUR SOLES !!!
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