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Everything posted by peveka

  1. Hi all. After having finally finished the San Francisco (first version) I tackle my next project: H.M.S. Bellona. I believe I have made every mistake in the book with my previous builds (a generic clipper, a botter, the Gretel, SF1) and I now feel emboldened enough to start something big. Why the Bellona? Well, I wanted to build a ship that comes with a real history, I like the size -not too big-, I want to use paint and I believe there's quite some stuff that can be added and/or changed. E.g. the kit comes without boats and without spare yards or masts. I also want to try some sculpting but I'll cross that bridge when I get there. About the kit. Everything comes neatly packed, instructions seem clear, there are accompanied by 14 70x50cm detailed drawings. Apart from these I will probably be using Lavery's book on Bellona a lot. This kit looks like a different version of Bellona that Harlequin is building because it doesn't have the metal gun ports, I'm curious what more has been changed. Nope, it's the same version. Harlequin added the metal gun ports. All the pieces come detached, that makes life a little easier. Nothing seems to be warped. Even the gun carriages are precut but I haven't looked at them in detail. Wood quality seems very good, there's some rigging material in brownish colors, no black included. Blocks are of the same quality that I know from other builds, they look ok, correction: the smallest blocks are crap, I'll have to order replacements. Not sure what I am going to do with the bling ... the photo edged sheet looks nice though. I plan to paint the upper part of the hull, I already bought the required admiralty colors. I won't copper the lower part because I am not going to cover up what will probably be achieved with blood, toil, tears and sweat over the many months to come. Well, like the Dutch say: my fingers are itching, this is going to be an exciting journey ;o)
  2. Hallo Heinrich This is how it looked like some time ago. I have been working on it a little and now I am thinking about what I can do to make it a little more interesting. I am going to add a small "klomp" as a lifeboat, probably some armament ... we'll see ;o)
  3. Looking good! What kind of cutter are you using? Compared to the Pegasus it must be the size of a small sword ... ;o)
  4. I am definitely going to follow this and you reignited my idea to make a clog-a-war ... best of luck with your project ;o)
  5. Hi Woodeater Are you coming to Bretagne? Maybe we could meet in Brest? Cheers Pieter
  6. Absolutely amazing built! No wonder you look so proud ;o) Greetings from la Bretagne Pieter
  7. Still waiting ... meanwhile working on my clog-a-war ;o)
  8. Hi Allan Actually I was referring to all the brass railings but the only picture I could find through Auntie Google was this one. Sorry for the confusion! Cheers Pieter
  9. I have been following and admiring your project for quite a while now and she really is a beauty! I can't wait to start working on my own Bellona, if only she would arrive ... Cheers Pieter
  10. ...you get the picture.  Hi Frankie Absolutely! The little rings are among the first things to land in the "archive" ... Cheers Pieter
  11. Wow that was quick ;o) Thanks a lot for your answers! I dug up one picture of the victory with obviously black handrails so that helps a bit, wood seems a nice alternative.
  12. Hello forumists. After a very long delay I've finally finished my San Francisco (#1) and now I am between 2 ships. I've ordered the Bellona but there seems to be a problem with the delivery. Doesn't matter, I am gathering as much info as I can and here's a question: On every model I've looked at the brass railings are kept brass. It sure looks pretty but is it historically correct for an 18th century ship of the line? Cheers Pieter
  13. Hiya hope this helps cheers Pieter
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