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Everything posted by peveka

  1. Aaaaah maybe I add some flowerpots with "Dutch Spice"!
  2. Entrance to the ... ehm ... lower deck, crew quarters, storage rooms, bar ... whatever. Cheers Pieter
  3. Do you mean kids and kits? Sorry, coudn't help myself ... Cheers Pieter
  4. Especially when you know there are oysters waiting!
  5. My wife doesn't like raw oysters so I improvise. Put them on the bbq in the shell, they open up when they are cooked, add a little bit of a crème frâiche/white wine mix ... yummie. It's only 975 km.
  6. We've got a small brewery 10 minutes from here. Good stuff ;o) Give me a heads up when you're here, we'll put oysters on the bbq!
  7. No prob, I've got my own cider but it's rather strong ;o) And in stead of calva we have "fine bretagne". Basically the same thing but from here. Or you could try the local beer! Cheers Pieter
  8. Hi Dave She seems to have been present at the liberation of Den Briel by the Dutch "Watergeuzen" April 1st 1572! Cheers Pieter
  9. Hi Carl it works ;o) Thank you for your help! Yup, but I have to be careful not to expose the crew too much ... maybe I could do something with bulwarks and hammock cranes ... Cheers Pieter
  10. I'll have a look! Then I could make sort of a "walk" between the quarterdeck and the inner deck passing over the canons... Like ;o) Cheers Pieter
  11. Hi Carl do you mean cutting away a part like in the marked area? Makes sense ... good idea! I'll have a look at it. Thanks!! Cheers Pieter
  12. Some work done on Nulli Cedo. I'm not unhappy with how the quarterdeck is coming along. It needs some paint work and I'll have to decide where I shall cut out the gunports. I also have to add a railing and find a nice way to finish the "entrance" at the end of the stairs. The carronades look nice and chunky, they will be outfitted with proper carriages. I've also been working on what I call the inner deck but I'm not happy with two "extensions" that sort of rest on the sides of the hull. They have no function and look ugly. So I'll probably cut off a chunk of the deck which would also allow a view of what is going to be a "wall" with windows and a door, the entrance to the front part of the hull. Right, back to Bellona's gunports. Cheers Pieter
  13. Hi Marcus thank you for your kind words. Let's start a group build and call it the Armaclogan! Cheers Pieter
  14. Hi David Welcome to the forum, enjoy ;o) Any ideas about what you are going to build? Cheers Pieter
  15. Not sure yet. I also have a pair of very old original Breton clogs. Maybe I'll turn one of them into a French sabot de guerre.
  16. Deventer is very nice too. Yeah, fresh baguette with salty Breton butter and hagelslag hmmm ... of course we always take stuff home. It's good that we have a lot of compensation in Bretagne ;o)
  17. Hi Jan Our daughter lives in Amsterdam so we still have a reason to go to Holland at least once a year and "play tourist". And of course buy jenever, drop, stroopwafels, zoute haring ... Cheers Pieter
  18. Not a bad region where you live, Zutphen is nice! Yup, we love it here ;o) Cheers Pieter
  19. Hi Peter Een juweeltje, neem d'r een borrel op ;o) Congratulations! Cheers Pieter
  20. Hi Carl I would have to dance on one leg, there's only one clog left ... Where are you from in Gelderland? I am from Arnhem. Cheers Pieter
  21. Hi GrandPa Hope you don't mind me joining in as a follower at this advanced stage of your build! Cheers Pieter
  22. This one here is particularly nasty. You have to cut off one side AND respect the curvature of the bow which means you have to do some sanding. No way a clasp holds on to that. Glue a piece of scrap balsa to the other side and Robert is your mother's brother. Pic below: the box has to be glued to the left side of bulwark #4 Pic below: the prepared piece. Below: piece in situ. Cheers Pieter
  23. Building up the bulwarks on the quarterdeck. Admiral: don't you think you have enough of those, what, clamps? Me: Nope. Frank Martin has his rules of the car, I suppose we have our rules of the model. Rule #1: Never assume you have enough clamps. Cheers Pieter
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