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    L'anse,Michigan USA
  • Interests
    woodworking, fishing

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  1. your build looks great I just bought and old billing wasa 0490 with out the fitting kit i guess i will spend the next year or so looking for a deal on a fitting, can buy from company but way out of my price range. I have 3 builds i am working on Pandora, Bounty and 1805 swift by the time i get them done I hope to good enough to start the wasa
  2. I will like to follow your build i just bought the billing wasa 0490 online for 99.00 but without the fitting kit i guess i will spend the next year looking for fitting kit 0491
  3. I just bought sergal hms bounty on ebay that was started it was partly planked but not done correctly i removed the planks and sanded the bulkheads so the planks would fit the contour. it did not come with any plans but did have instruction book your build is a big help with trying to build the bounty. I have been looking for plans and i found a set pdf the are from another manufacturer and it seem to help.I am very impressed with workmanship. I will countinue to follow your build
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