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  1. Hello, according to Goodwin a 44 gun ship required about 2000 loads if timber (depending on the tonnage; he estimates 1,995 for the Janus, slightly smaller in breadth than the Adventure class); at 50 cubic feet a load, makes about 10,000 cubic feet, corresponding to about 50 acres of woodland. Alessandro
  2. Me too, but unfortunately I don't live in a castle! :-(
  3. Greetings I have searched in the forum for this, but having not found anything I post the link to a very interesting article: http://berkeleycastle.blogspot.it/2013/08/200-year-old-replica-ship-severn-goes.html About a couple of years ago a model of the Severn, a 44 gun ship of 1786 was found in a cupboard in the castle. What makes this model interesting (beside being a contemporary dockyard model) is that it depicts the framing of the ship quite accurately (much like the model of the Intrepid in the NMM does). An examination of the full size photo (available at the linked page) reveals very interesting details, like spacers slightly recessed in the frames at one side. Alessandro
  4. thanks Druxey, probably this will be my next book (with Allan's work about scantlings & dimensions). Alessandro
  5. Hello, very interesting subject; the model produced by the Author is beautiful. Any further details about the plans? Is a framing plan included in the drawings? thank you very much Alessandro
  6. Hello, I have just spotted this book published by Pen & Sword: http://www.pen-and-sword.co.uk/The-Sloop-of-War/p/6022/?utm_source=newsletter20140313&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Save%2Bup%2Bto%2B70%%2Bon%2BSelected%2BTitles any additional info? Alessandro
  7. Hello, I have the first edition of this book (blue cover) and it is a beautiful one. There are some minor errors in the text, like listing HMS Hector as a British 74 at the battle of the Saints (while that Hector was a French ship of the line), but apart from this is an excellent visual reference. Alessandro
  8. Hello I have just spotted this, looks interesting... http://www.pen-and-sword.co.uk/Ship-Decoration/p/4102/ Alessandro
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