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  1. Thanks for that. I wasn't aware you could get them online.
  2. Hi all, I'm putting out to anyone out there who can help me out. I have come across a kit of the Santa Maria from Artesania Latina without any instructions at all. Would there be anyone out there that has completed this kit and no longer needs these instructions? I would be greatfull to anyone that can point me in the right direction as to finding these plans.
  3. Sorry for the late reply Yellowdog, yes I have the stand it was at the bottom of the box.
  4. This idea might have come up here before but I hope this helps someone. There are always tedious little things to do in this hobby so when I come across an idea that can help speed things up it's worth sharing. I am up to the stage in my build of rounding the bottom of the Balusters to 2mm dia (there are 34 to do) and the instructions says to round them with a file. Well...I found a small collet that comes with my Dremel and used that to round the Balusters. 👍
  5. Thank you all for the helpful advice. I already have the balsa wood and a couple of dimensions from the drawings to start. Wouldn't it be great if there was a CAD drawing of it....Anyway I'll start with the framing then do the bow and leave the hard part till last.
  6. Thank you for fixing the title of my post. I'll have to scratch build these two parts. Part 18 at the stern will be challenging. I purchased the kit privately from someone that did not have the time to build it. The box which the kit came was in plastic so it was not tampered with so no fault of the seller. Yep, Artesania Latina are no more. I have little chance of getting these parts. The parts in question look to be molded. I am not worried about the part at the bow it's part No 18 at the stern.
  7. Hello everyone, I don't know where to post this I hope I am in the right place. I am new to ship modeling and I have been waiting to buy my first model for a long time and I finally did the HMS Endeavour by Artesania Latina 1/60 scale. Now...I have a huge problem. The kit is missing two parts. Going from the parts list it's part No 17 (Fore Crotch) and part No 18 (Alt counter) I'm just wondering where I can get these two parts from? Can anyone help please. Ed
  8. Hi All. New to the forums. Just a question on subscribing for the Deagostini HMS Victory. I live in Australia and I'm wondering if this is still possible here in Oz? Thanks for your replies. Ed.
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