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Everything posted by dragzz

  1. tys adrieke the planking came to holt the planking in the kit is vary bend and warped not to sure what to do with it right now iam trying to soak them in water and bend them back in to place so i can use them cuz i have no money to get new stuff so i got to do what i can do for now if u know of a better way to fix them ples let me know thank u
  2. has any one done this and is this one any looking to get to info on this one Model Shipways Uss Constitution
  3. as u can i started some hull planking looking real good but real sloe so i can get looking just right i did lines as i was going on it and it came out great so far
  4. i just got the digital calliper today thot it might come in handy when building ships so i can see i have the right size of wood that i will need to get stuff done its a model craft one its works real nice for me
  5. as u can see so far i got the first deck now all glued down in one pic u can see a gap in the front its not all that bad might just fill it or the hull planking will go over it think its best to fill it in first what u guys think i should do
  6. wow vary nice and clean work u have done there what kind of wood did u use for the posts and what kind of paints and varnish u going to use the varnish iam going to use is spar varnish its a soft one i got
  7. here we go frist deck is all planked turned out real nice i think feels let for ever to get it all planked if u know what i mean like i say i have all the time time to go to the next step
  8. i did draw line one right down the center then doing lines as i go so i dont wander off left or right
  9. i was thinking of starting from the center dont know y i did not this my frist wood kit for me and no i did not subscribe to plastic models plus
  10. starting on deck planking this part going real slow never thot it go this slow lol slow is the best way to go here a pic
  11. now i have both sides just about done thay time to dry then on to the next step fun fun its looking real good so far
  12. sorry some parts like the keel and the frams was warped in my kit so just make sure u look at the all of thos parts befor u glue them that what i ment
  13. hell rob just to help a bit when doing the keel and frames make sure u check for warp mine had some just to let u know good luck hope to see more
  14. so now u can see that i have sanded upper stren and the front knight heads for the next step this model is a lot of work but u know at the end of it i will be so proud of what ia have done that what i like
  15. adr did not know that u can do that i just thot go by what the book says iam still leaning tys i wil rember that for next time
  16. hello rob so u are doing the same one as me is the kits an al kit just make sure u check for warped parts rembers check 2 times glue once thats what iv been doing good luck to u
  17. yes i can what i did was watched a video on overbending cuz it was warped so i put the part in water for 10mins then laid it over paice of wood then put a clamp on each side then just bent of the peace of just a bit past the warp after 2hrs it dryed took the clamp off it came back there a video on on utube i got to find it and then i will put a link for poeple that what i did that new i never done that befor it works really good
  18. here now u can see i have the knightheads in place now next step to sand the knightheads to put the deck on to hope all goes well
  19. o ya its a blast i still got my hair on my head so iam doing good for now lol
  20. looks like i got the upper stern night head fixed what a pain in the u know what lol it was warped so what i did used some water on it and watched a video on overbending it and it fixed it here what it looks like now
  21. in the pic u will see the upper stern nighthead is not fitting right at all there a nice gap can not move no more its at it max i just dry fitted it so u can see not sure what to do here just so u all know i got fixed sorry for the post
  22. going to need some help here the nighthead for the upper stern is not going right at all in the pic u will whats going on i just did a fry fit and there a fair size gap cant move it any more not to sure what to do here cant some help out ple
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