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Everything posted by dragzz

  1. opps i just saw that i forgot to glue the last frame lol going to get that one in place berfor i do kightheads
  2. vary nice work there so far i bet that took a long time to do keep up the good work
  3. ok now what i have done is glued the frames is there place but did not get the knightheads in place yet will do that some time today but so far its going really nice so far just 1 step at a time iam doing hope u like it so far if u see something i have did wrong ples let me know thy all
  4. hello barth one thing i know for sure there great poeple here to help me if i needit and iv got all the time in the world i cant work now more so this is the next best thing lol iam going to take my time
  5. o now i have the keel glued in place and there is no warping so far that i see that all good all i got to do is put the frames and knightheads in there place i will update when frames are in place
  6. just check the keel for warp and glad its not warped so now iam going to glue the keel in place
  7. this is my frist wood kit i know its a bit much for me but my dad got it for my brithday so here i go . i will need lots of help with this one . so far what i did is dry fit the keel nothing is glued yet .but in the pic u will see looks like to me that the keel is warped or is it just my bad eyes
  8. no i did not see the logs but i will look for sure tys u so much
  9. well hello again my dad got me this for my birthday sept 1 my brithday was aug 20 has any one done this kit its make by artesania latina this kit is a bit much for me but my dad did get it for me just want know if its a good or not
  10. i guess just got for it lol see what happens
  11. iam looking to get this one Model Shipways Phantom poeple say to get this cuz its Solid hull kit good for some one like me lol
  12. id like to say tys to u all for helping me what u all said will help me out if u have any links for me in Alberta that cool i dont want to get a plank on builk head kit not for my frist one did that befor it was all bad
  13. scratch build is not for me i know what kill iam looking for its the Model Shipways Phantom cant get in canada
  14. i live in canada British Columbia i cant get model ship way kits here and if i order from model expo shipping going to kill me 40.00 to ship to where i live +13% tax the hobby store where i live i was there today thay can get the wood ships for me but not the soild hull kits just the plank bulk kind iam still new dont know what to do can someone help me if thay can that be so nice tys
  15. thank u garward for that info i will try thos will post more pic . ps going to try make jig for the bends with a scrap pic frist soo how its going befor i do the real one
  16. iam doing good so far nothing has broke yet lol id like to know can i use steam on the wood to help it bend better
  17. now iam starting on the inside planking that is hard to do not to sure if i can do it i got to wait for the glue to dry befor i go to far iam just going to do one at atime this going to take for ever . iam getting there .i guess slow is that best to get it done right
  18. here i add some filler like thay say in the plans for both ends more pic to come
  19. that is a nice build u did there great job i have a bluenose ll 600 by billing boats in the box that my dad got me for brithday but i dont exp to do it yet now i cant wait to get to it after seening how u did a great job on yours
  20. yes tophog its a good build so far and have fun doing it as well
  21. ok now what i ahve done is glued all the ribs in there place just like the plans say read twice glue once lol tommorw will have to do sand the top of the ribs so far it look good and clean
  22. yes thats what iam going to do i read the plans and the book 2 times and cut once right iam new to wood ships i will update more real soon tys for the info
  23. ok what i did here is took out the ribs and now going to sand them so thay fit in there place thats what it says in the plans so far so good
  24. this my frist at the build that iam going to been doing so hope all goes well for me iam just going to take all the time i can to get it right if u see something that u can help with ples do i will be looking for help as i go here is a pic of the boat that iam going to do
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