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Everything posted by dragzz

  1. ok what i have done today is glued all the head posts on the frist deck so far they came out looking well thay are all in line here a pic
  2. as u all can see in the pic on the top of the stairs i add a step to the left and right side so there is no more cap at the top
  3. tys adrieke its really looking good now tys popeye now for the darkside now that got me thinking
  4. yes popeye i need to still add 1 step to each side at the top and 1 shim to the bottom right side i will get to that tonight if i have two beers it wont get done lol
  5. omg i got the stairs all done and installed just rightn thay look the same on each side iam proud of my self for takeing my time on the stairs and iam clad i did omg do thay just great iam so happy i just have to have a beer now lol here are some pic
  6. i went to try to do a dry fit and the one of the rails got broke so i got to try to fix it back to the start again lol o well that what its all about
  7. ok i got the hand rails on the stairs all i have to do is put one more hand rail on and paint there and thay are all done what a job but it sure came out looking great so far
  8. hello popeye i think lacquer is vary hard when it drys do u think it will crack over time or u going to find a soft clear just a thot
  9. how i have the sides on the stairs and painted i can now get the hand rails on next heres a pic of what i have done
  10. ok now i have added the steps to the stairs and did some sanding to clean them up a bit heres the pic
  11. tys adrieke but there not done yet lol but i have to say thanks to john46 for the post on how to build the stairs on the kom he did so great work if poeple need to know how to build the stairs ples go see john46 post he has done so great work .ps tys again john 46
  12. hello rick about the stern post i got a pic of mine u will what i have done i sanded the bottom its will help u are doing really well so far here a pic
  13. ok well iam back i took some time off so know iam working on the forward stairs yes the real fun part .well in the pic u will see what going on i got it right on the frist try i took my time doing this and it came out looking great so far
  14. thank u rick u just need to take your time iam going step by step for me there is no need to rush thing i like to work slow its the best way i think and i can enjoy what iam doing
  15. so far u have done nice work there at the bow it looks like u cut it a bit short iam doing the same build make sure that u dry fit all the parts to make sure that thay will fit. from what isee u can add a basswood filler for that then sand it to shape it .if u look in the book wear u see the pic there is a part that goes there as well i think its the stern post make sure u look in the book page 9 ok if u need more help just ask
  16. so far this is wear iam at with the build took a break for a few days here the pic looking really good so far
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