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Everything posted by dragzz

  1. thank u popeye iam getting better as i go iam so glad i got it to ship building
  2. i have started on the paddle wheel it i took the wood of the wheel and saved the ends of them as u see in the pic to me it just looks way better this way so far it looks just great let me know what u all think
  3. so far today i have done the window shutters it take time to paint all the shutters for the windows but here is a pic of them
  4. hello adrieke so far u have done great job there but i know i dont have the skills to do the lights on mine but some day i will keep up the great work its looking great
  5. hello adrieke looks like u are working hard on that kit how long is that ship looks like about 48inch 4feet that is big just asking
  6. at least it does look better tys guys for that info did not know its was a vent thot it was a big window lol
  7. ok here in this pic i did the big window witch i did not use the wood in the kit .i changed it and made my own . i think its looks ways better let me know what u all think
  8. i have to say your work is vary clean great job so far one step at a time keep up the great work i will watching this build
  9. np spencer its is just when make the kit it will sit on the self for a long time till it sells and the warm weather and cold weather after a long time can warp a lot its just how it is all the models that i have done over the years got some sort of warp to them thats modeling thats what make it fun for me
  10. hello spencer iam trying to do the best that i can this kit has had warped parts its just how it is it does happen i just worked with what i had and i know i did a great job so far for b a vary frist wood kit that i have ever done and yes pop adrieke help me a lot on the build hes a great guy
  11. ok here is where iam at now ok the sec deck is not guled yet but will be real soon boy it is looking really nice right its has been a fun build so far cant wait to see it all done . i have started to paint the paddle wheel so here are some pic of where iam at
  12. yes pop it is thay call it herringbone pattern not fun to do i dont like it at all i was going to do the same as the frist deck to make it all the same thats just my thot but this where iam now work state room so far looking real good and going really well here some pic
  13. here iam now with the sec deck planked and yes it did take me a while but with adrieke help i got it done so here the pic of it
  14. yes jim iv done that it keeps going back to the same bend and then i tryed to over bend it and did the same thing so iam trying this to see what it does it is not glued yet will see what happens when its dryed
  15. ok so here is whats going on right now iv been trying to get the 2 deck flat for over a week now . this deck had a vary bad warp to it trying to it right so i will try it this for 3 time now here the pic of it
  16. yes adrieke i did bend it how i did it was put in hot water for 30mins then bend used take to hold it while it was drying the put glue on it then tape to hold till it was done and never did break frist try and np
  17. well both rooms are now glued down so far it looks good cant wait to start the sec deck get it going here the pic of where iam at now
  18. tys u so much popeye took a long ime to get it done but the out come was great now on to the next step
  19. well as u can see in the pic got thos doors done what a pain with thos hinges thes nails that can with the kit was to big had to drill the hinges to make then fit but got it done i think thay look great for scratch build doors here s the pic of it
  20. tys but it wont show the frame it the same on both sides of the doors lol i thot about that befor i build them tys for the info pop
  21. ok i got the doors i build done now time to install them that turned real good the door are made fro scrach frist time for me came out wel i thing here a pic of them scrach build doors frist time
  22. tys cdogg i got it in the clamps now i got to wait till its all dry befor i take them out its going well for me right now tys for the info
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