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  1. Thanks for the positive comments. I've just completed the rigging. About 90% through I felt like I would run out of rope so I did order more from Ropes of Scale. I was amazed at the quality of it compared to what I was using. That's one of the items I'll be putting into my "Lessons learned" list. Here are the pics of the rigging. I added the flag yesterday and now consider it complete.
  2. Fast forward about 8 years to July 2024. I decided I'd finish the ship. This time doing a lot of research on techniques. This site was a huge help along with YouTube videos. I didn't take pictures along the way. Now I wish I did. I'm going to do a "Lessons Learned" list now as there have been many dumb mistakes I've made along the way. Thanks to everyone in this group for the fantastic threads on all things ship modeling. Here are some pics of the fittings going on.
  3. I spent a lot of time in my younger years making car models. I then graduated to a balsa wood plane model that came out rather nice. Then life set in with working, marriage, kids, bills.. Now in my later years I decided to rekindle my modeling hobby. In 2014 I bough the ship model Scotland thinking "I can do this". So I went to work, knowing nothing about ship modeling. I built the keel, decking, first planking and about half the second layer of planking before health issues stopped me. Here are pics from that effort. IMG_0306.HEIC
  4. Amazing work. I know this is an old thread but had to comment. I bought this ship back in the early 2000 or so. It is made in Spain and includes all the hardwood. After seeing your build I'm going to finally open the box and get to work. I love the way you did yours and will copy your style. It looks so much better than the painted version. Thanks for the inspiration/ Great job..
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