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About miketherock

  • Birthday 01/15/1967

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    Surrey UK
  • Interests
    Antique weapons and history of American civil war. Motorcycling. Guitar playing and restoration. Maritime history.

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  1. No plans in the UK release of this kit. Only step instructions in the accompanying magazines.
  2. I made mine out annealed brass pins hammered flat then compressed over the raised trunions. A little bit of filing and two blobs of thick glue for the fixings. Once they were painted it looked the nuts. I did use the original carrages though.
  3. Nice work. Will you be fitting capsquares over the trunions?
  4. I am in the process of building this vessel and do not feel convinced that there are only the two belaying pin racks on the rails near the stern also that there are no other pin locations anywhere on the ship. Is this factual or have they left the other racks and pin locations off the model as the model is not rigged with sails? Thanks in advance for any replies and/or opinions. MIke.
  5. To paint the decorations and brass fittings it is best to key the parts with acid etch (primer). It will give you a good surface to paint and unless you are heavy handling the painted parts, you should not get any chips.
  6. Great minds think alike.
  7. I have done similar to Lambsbk but to secure the block to work with I use old broken drill bits knocked into hardwood of the same diameters required. I also use these same old drill bits for shaping my hooks as they give an accurate curve and perfect round to the hook eye. The bits also make it easier to insert/remove from the hooks and blocks. I knew I would find a use for all my broken bits eventually. I use brass wire for my hooks as it is softer than the drill bits, allowing for pulling on the wire to get a good form and to tighten the eyes.
  8. I have just purchased a bottle of woodworm treatment that kills all wood boring bugs and mites. It can be applied by brush, spray or dipping. It has a high strength so needs to be diluted 25 to one. It absorbs into the timber and acts like a preservative and has a 30 year protection guarantee. It can be painted or varnished over when dry and is colourless. My plan is to inject a solution through the planking on the hull in various locations and to repeat the proceedure a few times to ensure good coverage. I will moth ball it and my work area too incase I have further colonies hidden away. I have enough of this liquid to treat all future timber that I may use for building. Every plank in future will be dipped for bending and forming in the solution. At least my ships will out live me. Well, that's the plan anyway.
  9. The freezer idea is sound but I will have to talk to my local butcher or supermarket to get access to a large enough container. I have been spraying Raid in the work area since yesterday and close over each of the models. My concern is the inaccessible compartments inside the models bulkheads. I was thinking of drilling small holes close to the keel through to each compartment and spraying via a straw plenty of strong bug killer, then sealing the holes back up. A friend of mine said to use WD40 through the holes as it will soak into the soft wood grain inside and the bugs wont want to eat it. I am not totally convinced but it has its possibilities. How far is ever enough? Itchy Mike
  10. I was not sure exactly where to put this topic but wood discussions seemed the most likely. I am in the process of building my HMS FLY. Three times during the build I have seen a small bug on the hull. It is about 1mm long at most and moves quite quickly. When I first saw it I tried to squash it with my finger but it moved too fast and I watched it just disappear into the wood grain where there did not seem to be any visible hole. I have seen it (I hope it is the same one but they all look alike. (( Is that statement PC?)) ) on another 2 occasions and it has evaded me still. I coated the whole of the exterior of the hull with Matt clear coat varnish to try and seal the grain but I can not get to the interior. I bet the little sod is thanking me for stopping all the draughts to his nice cosy nest. I have checked my stock of wood and other ship hulls as I have a few on the build but HMS BUG oops FLY seems to be the only victim. I will try to photo the little fella. Has anyone else been infested by 1 or it could be three...or more of these critters? Could it be woodmite? How could I get rid of my stowaways? Any ideas will be greatfully concidered. Mike.
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