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Posts posted by Garward

  1. Speaking of Acetone and its organic properties reminds me of this "Mr know it all" in my organic chem class (no not me).

    Anyway he'd bought these REALLY expensive safety glasses and was bragging on how much they cost.

    I then watched the doofus clean them with Acetone (always in an organic lab).

    Can you say "permanent FOG", The lens when opaque instantly....

    I never laughed so hard... :dancetl6:


    I stayed on the opposite end of the lab as this guy. He was good at heating closed containers.


    The chemist - he also is the chemist, slightly that - organic solvents, acids... :dancetl6:  :) 

  2. thanks Randy :)


    finishing more of the railing  near the stairs. need to check but i think thats the last bit  so now i cna varnish the second deck and then glue the third one on :)



    If to put a varnish on details in such condition as they are shown on a photo, the fleecy surface will turn out: the varnish "will lift" the insufficiently well polished fibers on a wood surface.

  3. I think that you'll find these little discrepancies in every kit.   it's all in whether or not you see them right away,  and whether or not the problem is dealt with,  if discovered early enough.  believe me.......I'm the first one to say that.   it's in our quest to create that 'jaw-dropping'   build..........so many are 'there'.........and...so many are not far behind.   I'm even sure that a lot of you have undertaken a kit that exceeds your expertise level......I know I've got one going.  but this is expected of us,  if not,  encouraged.  it's how we will expand our knowledge,  as we venture in the quest.   I enjoy what I see.........I see learning........I see technique.......I see what will shape up,  to be his or her masterpiece.   may not be this one........but keep watching.....the duckling....WILL become a swan :)    Keep up the good work Sjors..........things may not come out the way you want them........but it's still an empressive build.   superb! ;)


    To put it briefly, let's build models, colleagues modellers!  :D 

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