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Posts posted by Garward

  1. Hi, Sjors! 

    Ask more questions, much better everything with started specifying and planning, than then to puzzle how to correct. I too was in such situations when already there was late something to correct :) . The Greek philosopher Socrates spoke "Isn't shame something not to know. It is a shame not to want to study" and it is the good principle to which I always follow, and not only in construction of models :D .

  2. Garward,


    Thank you for your comment.

    I know that it is not the way as it should be.

    There are more things that are not accurate on The Mirage.

    Maybe that's why the the ship is named Le Mirage or Fantom.

    I'm not going to change the chainplate.

    If I remove it, I will damage more then I want.

    And besides, the ropes will then run in front of the canons.


    The drawings from Corel are terrible.  No measurements at all.

    You have to look very carefully where everything has to go, by looking how it should be done according to that particular picture.

    My ship is not a museum piece but a hobby!

    For me, she doesn't have to be historically accurate, because may she didn't even exists.

    I'll just do it the way I think is right according to the pictures in the plans.

    And I like it how she looks at the moment.


    Again, thanks for your comment but I will leave it this way.




    Hello, Sjors!


    I apologize for a little overdue answer, there were urgent affairs. 
    Both in any matter, and in shipbuilding, there are fundamental basic principles and rules. That I wrote about the correct arrangement of shroud plate and shroud just belongs to such rules. These rules for the sailing ships (regardless of the name - Le Mirage or Fantom or somehow differently :) ) are described in many books about construction of the ships and models. How to arrive in such cases - to follow the established rules or to repeat errors of drawings from kits (and these mistakes, as it is known to all modellers, there is a lot of :o  - producers of kits try to do models simpler and in bigger quantity) is a natural right and a choice the modeller, here to him nobody can specify.  If you like to build Le Mirage according to drawings of a kit -  it is your choice and your solution which nobody proposes you to change.
  3. Thank you Garward, that picture helps.

    AL's San Francisco directions are poor but sometimes when they are this incomplete they make the builder think harder... and that's good yes?


    It, of course, badly, but on the other hand it forces to think and look for the solution of problems and riddles of kits. And it promotes professional development of modellers  :) . Paradox :o  :D !

  4. Okay folks... I'm in need of direction... :unsure:


    In the instruction manual (used loosely here -_-, I have come to the cat davit section of our show and I am a bit confused about the hooks that are used. 2 pics here, in order of their appearance and they conflict with each other and so .. I don't know how to proceed. The first shows a hook in both sides and the second picture doesn't make any sense as both hooks are downward?? Maybe it would help to know what this 'cat davit' does. I assume it has to do with the anchor but how are those hooks used?


    :unsure: :unsure:





    Hi, Randy! I too long looked for the solution of this riddle, and then made stupidly according to the drawing. The bottom ring is used for anchor deduction.


  5. Dave:

    Thanks. I have Underhill's work and unfortunately, it does not apply to our local schooners down here. The windlass I am making is muuuuucccchhh simpler than what Underhill shows. I thank you for taking the time to post it though.




    For local schooners and other small vessels it is very difficult to find drawings of details, I well understood it recently when was engaged in search of drawings for Baltic ketch.  :) 

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