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Everything posted by CDW

  1. It’s my first time seeing it too. A big radial engine will fill the engine bay eventually. Going to see what I can do to leave some of the armor panels dry fitted to allow the finished model to show the interior. Would be a shame to cover all that detail never to be seen again.
  2. Tamiya white primer goes down like a champ. Dries fast with a nice smooth finish. This should offer a perfect starting point for some interior weathering and wear.
  3. With the hull floor construction completed, I will next move on to paint. Overall, everything is white with various color small details. The ammo locker is dry fitted and will be removed for detail painting of ammo. Will use Tamiya white primer. See you after paint is completed.
  4. Yes, the castings are quite nice. This kit is reminiscent of limited run kits, in that the sprue gates are rather large and the plastic is a bit on the soft side. Care is needed to be sure details are not being cut off when removing parts from the sprues. I noticed that some of the smaller parts are cast where it appears the mold halves did not align perfectly, creating a small problem to clean up before painting. For the cost of the kit, it is very well done indeed. I picked up this copy at my local hobby shop for less than $65 and 10% off that for the veterans discount. My usual online sources were out of stock, but I am not surprised given the fact that Mini Art is a company out of Ukraine.
  5. This begins the journey. Hull floor, transmission, and drive shaft. Lots more to come.
  6. I used to buy every issue of that comic book. Loved it.
  7. A ton of parts, this project will test my patience and endurance.
  8. Thanks for the comment. If I got the colors right, it was by accident because a PTO, Japanese aircraft, and color expert I am not. Not even close. I just build and paint for the sheer pleasure of doing it. Like a blind squirrel, I may find an acorn every now and then. I never realized the Japanese were doing the kamikaze thing that early in the war.
  9. I’ll look for a decent kit of the P-40B. The only one that comes to mind is the Academy kit but there is maybe a Hasegawa kit
  10. Closer to finish now, just some few more details to add and will be done.
  11. Topside is done. Fuel tank sticks out like a sore thumb as it hasn’t yet received a treatment similar to the rest of the model.
  12. Here are the subtle panel accents done with white oil paint, applied highly diluted with white spirits. It tends to set off the panel lines a bit I think.
  13. Here’s the finished panel line accent on the lower side. The idea here is to keep it subtle. Not too much, less is more. Will work the upper side then the panels after it dries. Oil takes a little longer to dry.
  14. On the right, an application of a medium gray oil wash was applied to accent the panel lines. This will be done on both the lower and upper surfaces of the aircraft, followed by individual panel highlights before a mat varnish over everything.
  15. Thanks Chris. 1:72 scale has come a long way in the past few years. Much more practical for shelf space. Even 1:144 scale is awesome now. Have a few large modern bombers to do in 1:144 scale, soon.
  16. I bought and use them. Similar to Vallejo, but I prefer their pigments. More finely ground. Uses the same thinner as Vallejo paints and I use a little to reduce them before putting them through my airbrush.
  17. Livery is Carrier Akagi, lead ship of Carrier Division 1, Lt. Saburo Shindo, Air Superiority Force, 2nd Strike Unit
  18. Oh my gosh, the scale of this model has just been revealed. Huge and beautiful! Great work, Yves, I love it. It dwarfs two models I know are very large.
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