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Everything posted by CDW

  1. Hoping the best for you in surgery tomorrow, HOF. I bet you will be back stronger than ever.
  2. You know the deal...SWMBO (she who must be obeyed) decrees, wishes are granted. Happy wife, happy life.
  3. Nice job sealing inside that hull. Looks like you've done this before. 🙂
  4. Thanks OC. For some reason, the other side currently under construction doesn't fit quite as well as the one pictured. It only takes just a tiny fraction off to cause a lot of extra work, but nothing some patience and a good diamond file can't fix. Taking my time, enjoying the journey.
  5. Spent a little more time to finish up this particular detail, which will be repeated in kind on the other side of the ship.
  6. Thanks Mike. I know it's probably unorthodox, but I prefer to stand to do my modeling.
  7. Excellent detail is provided in the photo etch set. This is the under deck structure at the hangar door area on the aft end of Yamato. This is about all I can handle at one time, in one sitting. Taking breaks in between tedious work like this is a must.
  8. There is a lot of detail to be added to the hull before paint. Sequence is everything. Must be figured out on your own according to your assessment.
  9. A labor of love. Do the cylinders consist of multiple separate disks to simulate the cylinders and cooling fins?
  10. Thanks OC Great idea Mike. Thanks for the link, I ordered some. Looks perfect for what I'm doing.
  11. A random sampling of the combination of open and closed portholes that be scattered all over the hull and portions of the superstructure. My AOTS reference shows the open and closed portholes specific to the year being modeled, but makes no reference as to why certain portholes were sealed shut instead of open. Makes me wonder???
  12. Got to be realistic as the daunting task of attaching 400 or more open and closed portholes will be a test of resolve. A sharpened toothpick being used to place and center the open portholes. Will have to use Kentucky wind age to place the closed ones.
  13. I'm not a card modeler (yet) and even I want that kit! The artwork and colors are amazing. How long do you estimate it would take for you to build a complex model like this one? Cutting all those parts seems a daunting task all on it's own, much less building it. Do they offer a canopy for it, any laser cut parts?
  14. Preparing the mounts for a display base. Epoxy used to secure the mounting nuts inside the hull.
  15. Here, the halves of the hull have been joined together with the bulkheads in place, everything cemented together with Tamiya thin liquid cement. The join was very good with only a slight join line present. With black primer sprayed along the joint, the join line was identified then given a touch of Mr Surfacer 500 along the line to cover it.
  16. There's something to be said about this particular Pontos Yamato kit as well as Pontos update sets in general; the quality of the parts are very good from past experience (and now), but the modeler better be on his game when it comes to putting it all together. The instructions are little more than CAD drawings on heavy, gloss paper stock. You will inevitably need other reference materials to figure it all out. The parts are well provided, just very little in the way of instruction. As a case in point, I now realize many of the portholes I drilled will be covered with a closed port cover. Only some of them will be in the open position. This means I could have simply marked the location of the ports using a sharp, fine needle. Only the ones with an open port needed to be fully drilled out, a total of approximately 100 of them. I learned of this by first doing an actual count of the number of open portholes on the photo etch fret VS: the number of closed port covers on the fret. Then I confirmed it by a close examination of the AOTS Yamato/Musashi reference book. It seems that various service years saw more or less open ports depending on the particular year being modeled. In this case, 1945. The number of ports do not change, just whether they were opened or closed. In the future I am going to need to be more careful to first examine my references more closely to be sure I understand what's what.
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