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David Rice

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Everything posted by David Rice

  1. Given the problems others have experienced with the Stern Pieces, I decided to try strengthening them. After sanding all the char and some of the pink finish off, I am now soaking the pieces in a solution of 50/50 Titebond and water. I'll soak 6 hours, then dry at least 12 hours.
  2. If these Kit stern pieces fail, I'll make my own. I sure am glad I left Idaho before the heat arrived. Only 60 degrees here in Paradise.
  3. More bad pieces. Too many hollow spots and crumbling material. When you try to sand any of it, it crumbles apart. Fortunately, by combining the original plywood provided by the Kit, and the replacement material MS sent later, I have been able to gather together enough pieces. If you ever receive any of that Pink plywood in a Kit, send it ALL back.
  4. Right now I can't see straight. I went to cut out the Stern pieces and they began to break apart in my hands. That pink colored piece of "dung" plywood again. I hate that stuff. Look's like I am going to make my own Stern parts. GGGGRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrr.
  5. After much work I have the Gun Port Sills, Lintels, Frames about where I want them. I have a couple of bad spots that will need tweaking. Stern Frames next. I'll take a look how others framed out the Stern before I proceed.
  6. I just ordered the Model Airways Sopwith Camel. On sale this week for $149. I'll build it this winter between ship builds. I'll be watching this build log.
  7. Being out of town, and working on outdoor activities I have not progressed too rapidly.
  8. Good Idea with the plastic or even metal washers. I do like using them.
  9. I bought a package of those metal clips you are using for my last build. All of mine broke. All the flat clamping parts broke in half near the holes. The clamps were very expensive. May be I had a bad batch? Are yours holdering up? While I was in Idaho a few weeks ago I bought two dozen of those Emery Boards. I sure like them.
  10. I like the progress you have made. Now I can follow you.
  11. Wow, you are moving right along. I wonder if a person could use pieces of card stock on both sides of the stern to protect it from mishaps?
  12. Spotted some nice Elk, Mule Deer, and my first ever Blond/Cinnumin Black Bear. Flying back to Paradise on Sunday. Then back to work on my Syren.
  13. Looks good. I am currently just south of you. Exploring the high country of Hells Canyon between Council and Riggins. What's with the rain?
  14. I chose the Syren because I wanted the learning experience. I am getting my money's worth..............
  15. My original plans did not look like that. They should invest in a paper cutter. Looking back, I should have just sent my Kit back. But, I figured I had gotten too far along on the build to do that. I still do not like pink colored treated plywood. It chips and has weak hollow spots. I have already filled in some of the holes. Reinforced the Bulk Head stems with glue /water solution helps. I will say that the planking material in the Kit looks real good. Best I have ever seen before.
  16. I noticed that the plans in my original Kit were different than the ones they sent me as replacements also. My contents sheet is 1/18/2017. My original plans were printed on over sized large sheets of paper. The sheets were so big that the drawings only covered the bottom right half of the sheets! The rest was empty paper. The Plans were dog eared, and folded and refolded multiple times in the wrong places. The new plans are on smaller sheets and look pretty good. I wonder why there are so many inconsistencies in this Kit. Very strange.
  17. Is your Deck View template off too? All of mine line up. But of course I had the poor quality wood problems. Model Shipways needs to hire a qualified Quality Control person.
  18. Your fast. I'll be in the Idaho Owyhee Mountains the same time. After the big fire a few years ago, and wet winter, my friends are reporting a spectacular wildflower display building. They are also reporting a big crop of Game Birds.
  19. I started with the Dremel, but didn't like it because of the confined spaces. I switched over to the knife and sanding Emory Boards. The later method worked better.. One side is done. On the facing side the first part of bow section is pretty well finished. The rest toward the stern section is not.
  20. Thanks. I am finding all this at this stage looking pretty tricky. I will be slowing down work on it this summer. I decided to start a scratch model. 1820-1870 merchant ship (no gun ports). Not sure if it will be total sail or sail & steam. I'll work on both models this winter. Switch back and forth. I like my glue to be very dry before moving to new steps. While one dries, I'll work on the other. I still have not finished the rigging on my HMS Snake. When the two models reach the rigging stage, I will then work on all three at the same time. That's the plan anyway.
  21. After 5 hours of sanding, and seemly getting nowhere, I have decided to breakout the Dremel.
  22. You can pick up the Professional Sized Emory Boards in bulk for around 60 cents each. The Emory Boards are slightly flexible and easier on the delicate parts. They do not wear out as fast as sanding sticks or sand paper. I don't know how they make them, but unlike sand paper, the grit stays on. You can also wash them!
  23. Yes, I have one. However, when sanding parts already glued to the model, these models are just too delicate. I am always afraid of breaking off a part. It would nice if they had made the Bulkhead stems larger and stronger. When I make a scratch model, I make those parts a little more beefy. Of course, I don't use crappy plywood either.
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