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Everything posted by MarcM

  1. Very small, tiny paperclips ?
  2. Hi, Why not trying diluted glue to keep the lashing stiff ?
  3. Hi Gaetan, I'm interested in the third hand I saw in one of the above pictures, because I'm not very keen in the usual alligator clamps. Could you tell me where you acquired them and at what price ? I live in Europe (Belgium). TIA, Marc
  4. Hi Mike, The books are referring to old french inches "translated" to metrics. I've send you a PM. Marc
  5. Hi, I think this is a "problem" that a few fellow modellers already encountered. I have to put the channels on the hull, together with their knees. Does anyone has a good trick to do this ? I mean: kind of glue, how to clamp, etc. Should I try to glue to knees off-ship or not ? You understand: a good way to accomplish this without the risk they come off in the future during the rigging or with a "stupid" little knock. TIA,
  6. Hi, For me, the best woodglue is Titebond.
  7. Did you already tried selenium dioxide ? I have very good results with it.
  8. I'm using steamed swiss pear and english boxwood for my models. I have a bunch of it lying around for almost 10 years now and never noticed any warping. The humidity where I live (Brasil) is all year between 70 and 85 %. No problem here.
  9. I would use the finest material possible to make the sails. Egyptian cotton or even better: batiste. I'm at work now, but at home I have the designs to make model furled sails. Send me a PM and I will mail them.
  10. I'm using boxwood and built in different section. Sometimes pear. But I've noticed that building a keel in one section has a tendency of hogging and then the whole ship is ruined. I think (especially in a humid atmosphere - island Alaska) that the humidity is something to think about. Especially over time.
  11. Hi, I think a lot of us have already encountered this problem ... The needle files look a bit rusty and are in need to be cleaned. Can I do this with some machine oil ? If yes, will the oil not stain the wood afterwards ? If no, what are the experts and masters among us, use for that purpose ? Happy modelling !
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