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About spongbob

  • Birthday 06/18/1958

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    have diverse interests automobiles trucks hobbies include scratch model building electronics antique radios ,reading books fiction adventure of course Jesus's teachings was into pc repair slowed down on that. Year high lites include engine change on Rav 4 toyota .Several chainsaw projects, electronics and work in general .Always getting ideas on tools and methods i suppose family should be mentioned "...ect.

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  1. Any body use aluminum to make those couple-rs that connect the different sections of mast" together seem's like ply would snap it the ever got bumped (hypothetical) not if you used like a bunch of 1/16 ply sandwiched 6 times ,ect. with super glue you know the pieces that are rectangular with 2 holes and offset the mast sections .il check later gotta get some rest...
  2. the TR designated mast and yards i take it now after looking again must certainly be the back mitzen for certain ? that is the iffy one of the three thanks for help and info what plans i have are printed off and hard to see the small numbers im thinking the 80 1 80 2 80 3 80 4 are the jibb spare or whatever its called this isnt that easy some of my plans are tracings from pc screen, some where pdf print-offs so minimally effective .some where lost some are scattered long story shot planning same problem in different ways .Speaking of witch my plans probably are in english the same picture i snaged to use hear (to facilitate) is tuthfuly italian or such and yes this does partially ex plane half of what i can gather . thanks for taking a look and maybe i can get a concept to start somewhere.I haven't worked much on ship this past year as i have been real busy
  3. Ive been trying to figgure out plan designations and i suppose there are varied and unique but i haven't followed several plans so my question henceforth"? Trying to make sense or main mast mitzen mast and rear mast as possibly abbreviated on a set of plans . there are designations like MA 5, MA 4, MA7, & MA 1 i take to be the main mast Next i see TR 1 i think is the formast bottom section with TR 2 nd TR 3 being the top 2 sections of what probably the front mast on frigate essex plan . a three section mast designated ME1, ME2 and ME3 may be the yards for the main mast ME may be the rear mast. Has any one had such designations on a plan that would agree with my believe "?...this leaves me the conclusion that TR is formast but it could be mitzen any one certain could answer possibly thanks ..
  4. WOrking a little this evening scale is off on several pieces .somthings may change
  5. Back to day with rails il have to extend the knighthead/s
  6. Worked on model made four posts these extend to the gun deck might have to move the hatch different models show it at diffent places some in front of mast
  7. A few hours make 2 carriages and that little wood grate checking plans and pics deciding positions of several components
  8. Worked on essex this evening made main spar ithen a couple days later added the work ive done to for deck and what you see .Im going to fill the cracks with somthing and resand aagain maybe some color for joints .Il have to see
  9. Have been to busy to build i did mount 2 cannons these are out of site and have no wheels but there will be wheel's where needed if and when lol"...
  10. i have got to have 4 cannon to put under (befor deck) forcastle deck ,i made 4 cannons no carriages yet!
  11. okay im back: at least i should be"..... better phone.. ,internet ..,and rehashed some plans.. and../ pics . This evening (today !) i made some wood to size, to make the rail support, around the for deck' . It was then that i took note of (too) the height" of the deck itself , as i had made a piece' of ply to fit already, excepting not actually positioning for (glue) .It remained first some comparison / with a couple models" and what little i could see from plans . Long story short it appears to me sometime's i overlook what i must realize in time lol.The wood i sized may be to small, ifso ?..il have to redo it over before fabbing anything .Of course i have to fit some deck planks", and yes that is a finished half of the lower foremast lying inside "...Im simply glad to have gotten a start' and finally having got to a position to where i hope to be able to accomplish something "!..thanks for any interest... 11.30 gotta hit the hay here ! good nite
  12. project time this evening readying deck area made a mast blank .Sanded cannon ports ,etc. Decided to put lite ply 1/32" under planks as a measure to improve leveling and strength in one step! ... took about 1hour to cut some oak wood to rough size to be used as I'm still playing with the possibilities". further considerations are required to assemble ship hardware ,checking plans installing cannon to mention for most in mind thanks and happy modeling ! I suppose I have to turn photo's to the left' there standing on end I'll try to tighten the fit little if I can..
  13. to say that i' lost about 200 photos of Essex models .Because hard drive crashed on the laptop and I hadn't backed up any I'm waiting on replacement pc work in shop .Past few posts have from Mobil android (not my bag)makes it hard to like your likes .working more hour's so slow to little progress"
  14. made the planked right rear section haven't sanded ports to size yet" rear led's face forward one led for cabin area have tested wire's getting ready for upper deck hopefully better care to detail Will show later just how bright they are" !
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