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About heksanol

  • Birthday 08/18/1983

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    South Africa

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  1. Quick update. Finished the spars and busy with the rest of the rigging.
  2. Finally finished the ratlines I used a spacing of about 5 mm, don't know if that was too short, but took it to the top. Also added the lines between the masts. Busy at the moment with the rigging of the spars. Regards
  3. Finally got time to sand down the ribs as well as the stern part. Used a dremel for these task, and fine sandpaper to finish off. Used a chisel to reduce the stern portion to about 2mm as required, and then used fine sandpaper to finish off. Next step is planking.
  4. Greetings I have a small update on my build. Finished with all the shrouds for the masts. Completed a set for ratlines, will continue as time permits.
  5. Thanks paul and Coleman! I initially wanted to drill holes to simulate nails, but the wood is very soft so the end effect I tested did not look very nice. But the pencil worked out just fine. However, with that that said, I am going to see the effect of using a black pencil for nails and caulking.
  6. The next step requires that a certain section of the second false deck be planked. This is mainly for the acess opening which will be located on either side. I decided to practice by doing a 5 plank layout. Furthermore, I wanted to test out using a pencil on side of each plank, to simulate caulking. In the past I have used a black ink marker, while obtaining the desired result, I felt that the final effect looked too artificial. So first of I measured and marked the sections on the deck. Thereafter, I added the first "nr 5" plank with its left and right friends. The deck laying completed, I sanded it down with very fine sand paper. I used a pencil to make the nail holes and then applied a layer of matt varnish. Overall, I am pleased with the effect and will use the same layout for the other decks.
  7. Greetings The second false deck has been added. A bit of filing was required to make the decks fit. I also had to make the mast holes bigger in order to align the mast dowels to be centered. After the glue was dry, I painted the space between the decks black.
  8. Hi Paul Thanks for the info. No, I haven't looked at the Agostini videos, will definitely have a look at them! Funny, I initially wanted to save up to buy the Santa Ana one day, in order to build a big model kit, however, as stated, this victory kit came at a good price to pass up. Let us know when you want to start it one day, would definitely want to see it.
  9. Thanks SpygGass, will save them for reference later
  10. The thick side rails were added to the bulkhead frames. I started adding the sprits to the bulkhead frames, which is needed to add the second false deck. However, it seems that AL did not include enough strips (1.5 x 6 mm). Unfortunately, since I bought the kit second hand, I don't have a recite to request more strips. In order to finish this section to continue with the build, I glued together the remaining strips, and for the last bulkhead I used a scrap wood. Fortunate, this wood will never be seen, i.e. used for structural support, so different wood can be used, as long as the thickness is 1.5 mm. I am going to order more strips, since I will need them to assemble the other false decks.
  11. Thank you all very much for the info! I think for now I will just leave the blocks that serves the sails hanging on the yard. Banyan - I will have a look at your pictures - thanks. popeye2sea - is this what you meant as shown in the picture below? Regards
  12. Thanks SomeThingIsFishy, the glass case took longer to complete than I anticipated, but came out well in the end.
  13. Before assembling the false decks, I added the stern sections and filed it down to be flushed with each other. The false deck sections were then nailed to the false keel and bulkheads. The false deck sections for the stern was too long and therefore had to be trimmed accordingly. Once the false decks were in place, the bulkheads were glued to the false keel and false decks for added support. I used paper folder clips to ensure that the bulkheads were flush with the false keel. The lines that I drew on the false keel before hand greatly assisted with this task. When the glue was dried, I filled down the bulkhead sections that extended over the false keel, and added wood filler to the bulkhead sections to raise them to the false keel (these where also filed down once dry).
  14. Hello I have a question with regards to rigging yards when you don't include sails on the model. In Picture 1 it shows a rigging guide on a yard when a sail is used. However, how do you rig the blocks when no sail is included, as highlighted in Picture 2? Thanks Regards
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