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  1. Has been since early CompuServe days. The paycheck says Brian Proctor, but only the bank cares about that.
  2. So what are you planning the second week? Welcome aboard! Careful, though, Hunching over tiny little bits of wood and paint can become addictive!
  3. Welcome, Keith! Just hop right in and wallow in it! There is no right or wrong way to get started other than to get started.
  4. Yeah, I was trying to figure out what they were talking about with one set of instructions and finally decided that what they were trying to say was that I was supposed to slice the planking lengthwise to fit in the gaps left by the placement of the full sized planks on either side. Doesn't help that the materials lists are all in Italian.
  5. I have been chipping away at that very same model for many years and am finally gaining steam on it. I didn't try others so much as just fiddle with other miniature endeavors like role playing figurines, etc. The main advice I'd reiterate is to always be reading ahead. I have yet to find the instructions on planking the decks for the main deck, but I'm sure they are there and will make perfect sense. You just have to get used to reading instructions that have from German directly translated been.
  6. Welcome, Dooder! As my Grandma used to say, "If you don't fall head first into the cess pit, you'll never learn how to swim!". Strange woman, my grandma. The folks here are all great at helping you through the scratchy bits, so don't hesitate to ask for help!
  7. Maybe I wasn't missed that much, but I'm back after a couple months absence. My company got freaked out about the ransom ware scare last spring and cut off all internet acess not business related for all summer and fall. They just instituted a new protocol for access and we can once again get back on line. So here I am. Of course, it's my turn tonight to go out and purchase the goat tonight and don't ask what they want us to do with the hamsters... Not much done with the Victory model, as summer is my season to do outside stuff and I just now got back to the fun things indoors. Starting to put the cladding on the hull now. One question... Is it just Momoli, or are all model instructions written as if they were German translated directly from?
  8. Thanks for all the suggestions! I certainly have a bit of research to do...
  9. I'm mostly looking for something that gives a feel for how sail trimming was done. I have noticed with this season's Black Sails that they are doing more than just running down wind and are incorporating trim and attitude in how they are showing seamanship. As I embark on the rigging for my Victory model, I just thought it would be cool to have a grounding on why there is a line running from here to there and what they did with them. I'll have to track down the clipper ship book, since my next model will likely be Cutty Sark.
  10. Self deprecation is a well known means of easing the social interactions, especially on line fora. Sorry that does not apply here. Brian Proctor if you really must know, but no one on line calls me that.
  11. This is probably covered in many places elsewhere, but is there a good book(s) on the topic of rigging sailing ships and the theory behind the way rigging and sails are designed? (I'm way too incompetent and/or lazy to try searching for this. )
  12. You mentioned that there are instructions to "set" the "astral clock" to a couple dates. Is there instruction on how to calculate the positions for any date? A birthday, perhaps?
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