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Everything posted by thomasl

  1. I'm working on this kit too I think its good kit to learn on and boy I have learned a lot so far
  2. after reading this thread, thanks guys. I'm sold on a DB250 with a bed extension for my masks I need to make let you know how it works out
  3. great work I hope mine will look half as good as your build are you gong to rig her?
  4. looking good, I also looking into a lathe, which one are you looking into buying?
  5. hi I'm building the same model, your work has been helpful for me as I can see you are doing fine work
  6. you are a little ahead of me. I have just finished the second planking now I'm starting on the sanding ad painting of the hull. because of my schedule I Do not have much spare time
  7. I'm doing the same kit I thank you, your work has been helpful to me
  8. Hi I have been working on my own Lady Nelson, and just a little behind were you are with tour build. I have been reading your log and some of your tips and ideas have been helpful to me. thanks I'm at the second planking now I have been busy sanding the planks to fit I never realized how much work these kits are, the pics you have with you second planking look like you have done a very good job and I hope mind turns out just as good
  9. I just starting my build of the Lady Nelson and looking though your build it will be most helpful
  10. I’m about to start my first build. The last few month I have been working on making sure I have all the tools that I will need. I’m lucky I already have a few that I think will help will this project. I have bought some too. Over the years I have done a lot of veneer work and re-manufacture of small parts (rebuilding furniture) and one of my tools that I find useful is a router. I think with a good table and a few jigs you could make (square) holes , taper anything ( e.g.: masks, planks, ) corners, shapes of any kind, just to name a few. I’m I wrong that a router is too much for this? I find that the model tool sellers do not sell any why?
  11. I have done Research and for me the victory kit. what sold me were the instuction. from what I have read they seem more complete
  12. nice info, good read I'm thinking for my first build, shipways syren from I can see the Instructions are very good and I think that will be a good learning curve I'm just shopping around for one
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