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Everything posted by MESSIS

  1. Need a hand.... if somebody knows about dyes. Can I mix Dylon Hand Fabric Dye of two diferent colours?
  2. Thanks for helping me out... thats the piece. It looks like copper it can be something else... it seems to be a cast puece.
  3. Sorry my english are not top. You mean donate to some foundation? Or it was just a joke?
  4. How can I do that? Is there any chemicals? I heard aceto and then saltwater will do. Somebody told me just paint after aceton with the vallejo act. iron paint
  5. Πok jaager u inseaston beeing one sided.... ok but u have to know thats not helpfull.. Ok thx
  6. Cheapper in terms of the manufacturing prosses and may be of the material it self as well, because a strong and hard wood is needed
  7. Yes Jaager u r right. It seems Amati uses a cast piece because its cheapper than a wooden one, deu to the complicate shape. Still am going to use it... its easier than making a wooden one. Ionly have to give it a realistic wooden paint... ofcourse after I prepare it accordingly. About the.glue.part am not worried.because it going to press fitted on the ship
  8. Thx Allan for ur concern. Yes thats the mastfish on my pic. Mastfish it seems it was wood. Now got a book from British Museum.... talks only of wooden keelsons... but always of ships found in burial areas .... have a look at the pic
  9. Can anybody give me some knowlage how I can transform a copper fitting of a keelson to a wooden one?
  10. Matrim do you say that maybe the keelson on viking ships was coppered wood?
  11. Was it more out of metal or was that wooden? Amati believes it was out of metal. Has anybody a hint
  12. I thought that if I tried textile paints the textile flexibility dosent drop
  13. Thx for keeping up trying to help me. English is not my mother language you see... I ment furled sail (its a static model). Sorry but I havent understood tha with the silk sail. You mean first give it a thin coat then furled it and the paint the finish coat as is allready furled? Sorry for bothering u so much and thx again for your responses
  14. Yes ur right wefalck anout the diagonal panels.... And thx about ur tips to go on other material than textile. But here is my problem: am going to make a furling sail.
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