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About garyshipwright

  • Birthday 06/22/1955

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  1. Looking outstanding good sir. I really enjoy looking at her in frame and she's coming to life. Looking forward to seeing you next photo's.
  2. Hi Trevor. He has done a lot of translated and most of the ones you have mention are in my small library. I really like the one about Blaise espionage and filled in a lot of question on English ship building. You must also have a nice library which come's in hand when your research for information. Gary
  3. Hi Trevor. Are you talking about the Facsimile reprint published by Jean Boudriot Publications. Am not sure how much translation David Roberts did, But he did help on the Facsimile but do believe that most of the set was done by Jean Boudriot. It is a great set and also come with a great set of plates in Vol 2. Hope this helps. Gary
  4. Outstanding good sir. Can't wait to see her in full frame. Gary
  5. Hi Kent. Well, I figure Mike will chime in some time in the future, but I do hope it will be soon to let us know whats going on. Gary
  6. Hi guys. I pre-order the plans back in Oct and when they came in, my order was never received. Any ideal of when I will get them and what time frame will they be in stock. Seems I should have gotten them on the first batch which tells me that Mike didn't order enough.
  7. Outstanding Alberto. Won't be long now and looking good. Gary
  8. Thanks GrandpaPhil. Do you know if vol 2 is going to be in two parts, such as vol 2 A and vol 2 B. Thanks again good sir. Gary
  9. Hi Anson. Looking good sir and looking forward to when you install the last frame. Out standing is all I come up with when looking at her. Gary
  10. Hello guys. Just saw this and was wondering how is Vol 2? I did find it and hopfully it will show up soon. I was reading Fred,s post and was wondering what is going on with Vol2 part b. Thank you. Gary
  11. outstanding Albert. Won't be long and you will have all of the frames made and installed. Good job sir. Gary
  12. your very welcome and look forward to you next photo's. Gary
  13. Nice job sir. Glad to see your back to work on her. Gary
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