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    garyshipwright got a reaction from popash42 in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Thanks B.E., Joe and Ed. It did come a long way didn't it. Thanks again. Gary

  2. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from WackoWolf in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Thanks every one it was a real joy to build. At the moment am working on the cooking equipment, that is as soon as I get enough research on them
  3. Like
    garyshipwright reacted to AnobiumPunctatum in Naval Cutter Alert by AnobiumPuncatum - Scale 1/36 - POF   
    After the drawing works it was time to make sawdust.
    First part is the keel, which is a little bit tricky. The keel has a light curvature and the joints are perpendicular to the base line.
    I cut some small stripes with my cirular saw, make the joints and glue the parts together. Next I added the parts for the stem.
    The picture shows the step on the building board. I use Tamiya Tape to avoid that the keel glues on the paper during the build.

    The next pictures show the complete assembled backbone for the small vessel,

    the stem with with the changed layout of the parts,

    the keel and the rising wood,

    and the stern post with the after deadwood.

    The next steps are cutting the rabbet, the keelson and the building board. Then I can start with the frames.

  4. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from popash42 in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Thanks Michael, Pat and Alex. Well good sirs other then pot's and pan's the stove it complete, accept for the  stack. I finally added the pully's and chain, for the pit, which was just a little touche. Most of the new parts are made out of metal accept for the pulley's which are wood. Couldn't find any brass round stock big enough. Well back to the pump's. Gary

  5. Like
    garyshipwright reacted to Remcohe in HMS Kingfisher 1770 by Remcohe - 1/48 - English 14-Gun Sloop - POF   
    An other trade to master, stone  masonry ... 
    I cancelled the stones I had ordered and got a rubber mold from dioramadebris.co.uk instead , now I can cast my own bricks in the color I want. First I made a big batch with slightly different colors (plaster & pigment)

    Then I had to find a way to make the mortar. At first I glued the sones with thin paper sheet in-between to get an even spacing. I had planned to use sculpey to make the mortar but this doesn't stick to plaster :-( 
    So I had to find an other solution, from the DYI shop I got a pack with powder mixed with water this is used to fill holes in walls, as this dries in just under 1 hour it looked good, but this didn't stick to the plaster too :-( 

    So I mixed it with titebond and pigment and this was a working formula. The surplus removed just before it dries and with a wet brush I softened the flushing. 




    At this point the chimney needs to be made, I'll make this from brick and not steel like my original plan. In the two holes two big cooking pans are fitted. The square hole's on the sides will get a metal hinged doors. Opposite to the hearth I'll make a pantry with different kitchen utensils. I must say it's really time consuming to make but this is really a lot of fun to do. The admiral is complaining she didn't see me all weekend :-D 
  6. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from fatih79 in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Thanks Michael, Pat and Alex. Well good sirs other then pot's and pan's the stove it complete, accept for the  stack. I finally added the pully's and chain, for the pit, which was just a little touche. Most of the new parts are made out of metal accept for the pulley's which are wood. Couldn't find any brass round stock big enough. Well back to the pump's. Gary

  7. Like
    garyshipwright reacted to Rustyj in Bomb Vessel Granado by Rustyj - FINISHED - 1:24 - cross-section   
    Hello all, Thank for the Birthday wishes and the likes. That was very nice. Had a good
    day and a nice dinner. No work either! So far doesn’t seem any worse than any other.
    Hey Joe when you get there let me know how it is. I may have to stop counting.
    Hi Michael, Yes with your projects I would see it not being an eye opener.
    Hi Grant and thanks for the info.
    Well I have cut the pedestals for the swivel guns and then notched the channels to
    fit around the pedestals. Glued them in place and took the pictures………..


    Crap the port channel (1st pic) is *$#@ backwards! The notches for the chain plates are
    reversed! Oh well I guess I needed some more practice making them. Just another head
    slapping duh moment.
    Next up while I wait for my brass for the channels to arrive I will be playing around
    making the optional storage cover for the mortar. It has to be removable so I can
    show it in either state. Should be fun.

  8. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from JesseLee in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Thanks Michael, Pat and Alex. Well good sirs other then pot's and pan's the stove it complete, accept for the  stack. I finally added the pully's and chain, for the pit, which was just a little touche. Most of the new parts are made out of metal accept for the pulley's which are wood. Couldn't find any brass round stock big enough. Well back to the pump's. Gary

  9. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from popash42 in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Thanks every one and those folks for there likes. I have got the stove further along and do think  I have come close to the cast iron look, at least as close as my skill will let me. Well back to work on her gun deck guys. Here is some updated photo's guys, and Mr Jones finally got a paint job along with the stove. Some were he seem to have picked up a slop bucket. Now I wonder where he got that from. Thanks again guy's.

  10. Thanks!
    garyshipwright got a reaction from popash42 in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Well guys, I got to finally do some cooking and if any one has a pig, bring it on over and we can have a roast. Only kidding but finally have Alfred stove just about finished. Been working on it for a couple of days and has been a lot of fun. Its built of copper and brass, and a few pieces of plastic and wood thrown in to the mix. Still have to put the  bar around it and finish the stack. A couple of the items, probably will get replace, such as the pot holder's and in the mean time will have to make some pot's and pans. Don't be to hard guys and still need a lot of work on it.   Also have to figure out how am going to get that cast iron look so if any of you have any ideal's on how to do this, let me know, would you please. Just to let you know there was a few items that came from Chuck's photo etch set which came in real handy, so thank you Chuck. Enjoy the photo's guy's.

  11. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from fatih79 in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Hi Alistair. Your very welcome sir. At the moment am still probably go with the frapping and some gun's in different placement like being tied up  but that is hopfully in the near future.
    Have a small update guys. The planking of the gun deck is finish  and should not be adding any more at the moment. The Captain did come around and talked about overhauling the pumps and bearings and a few other things. The old bushing set was wooden,  and figure I would try to make some metal ones. Figure that if I don't work more with metal, won't ever get any better at it. Do believe I finally figure out and got myself some good drill bits, for drilling very tiny holes in metal. With the sensitive drilling attachment  it helps me big time, from breaking a ton of the small bits. Any way I milled out the shape of the roding's, believe thats what they are called and drilled the holes for the bolts to keep them in place.
      The pump housing tubes and main mast partner was taken out and given a new look and then reinstalled , the partner and pump tubes that is. Also added the aft scuttle hatches with the cover some what just sitting on the bottom half. Now I did come across a item and thought it would be nice to add. On Montagu and other 74 gun ships they had this half circle cover, which I believe was made of wood, had one small door in front, just big enough to hand out cartridges,  and covered the scuttle hatch that was used to hand up the cartridges from the orlop deck. This hatch was between the aft riding bitt's.  It probably was stored when they were working the anchors and cables. Another up date in the works folk's.
    Just something to think about  folks,the next time you have to glue something in place. If you can just peg the item to the hull or deck with maybe a bit of glue on the peg, it just might save you from having a headack on your hands. Just to give you a ideal of this, all of Montagu gun deck planks are only held in place with a tiny bit of glue on the pegs. If I had to tear out or remove some planking all one has to do is pry up the plank sand down the peg's and your ready to go. When I first installed the main partner and pump's very little glue was used and things were more or less just pegged in place. Made removing them a whole lot easier and clean up was a snap. Just something to keep in mind folks. 


  12. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from fatih79 in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Thanks B.E., Joe and Ed. It did come a long way didn't it. Thanks again. Gary

  13. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from Askold in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Thanks Michael, Pat and Alex. Well good sirs other then pot's and pan's the stove it complete, accept for the  stack. I finally added the pully's and chain, for the pit, which was just a little touche. Most of the new parts are made out of metal accept for the pulley's which are wood. Couldn't find any brass round stock big enough. Well back to the pump's. Gary

  14. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from dafi in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Thanks Michael, Pat and Alex. Well good sirs other then pot's and pan's the stove it complete, accept for the  stack. I finally added the pully's and chain, for the pit, which was just a little touche. Most of the new parts are made out of metal accept for the pulley's which are wood. Couldn't find any brass round stock big enough. Well back to the pump's. Gary

  15. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from Jorge Diaz O in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Thanks every one and those folks for there likes. I have got the stove further along and do think  I have come close to the cast iron look, at least as close as my skill will let me. Well back to work on her gun deck guys. Here is some updated photo's guys, and Mr Jones finally got a paint job along with the stove. Some were he seem to have picked up a slop bucket. Now I wonder where he got that from. Thanks again guy's.

  16. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from Jeronimo in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Thanks Michael, Pat and Alex. Well good sirs other then pot's and pan's the stove it complete, accept for the  stack. I finally added the pully's and chain, for the pit, which was just a little touche. Most of the new parts are made out of metal accept for the pulley's which are wood. Couldn't find any brass round stock big enough. Well back to the pump's. Gary

  17. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from tlevine in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Thanks Michael, Pat and Alex. Well good sirs other then pot's and pan's the stove it complete, accept for the  stack. I finally added the pully's and chain, for the pit, which was just a little touche. Most of the new parts are made out of metal accept for the pulley's which are wood. Couldn't find any brass round stock big enough. Well back to the pump's. Gary

  18. Like
    garyshipwright reacted to archjofo in La Créole 1827 by archjofo - Scale 1/48 - French corvette   
    here are some pictures for mounting the gun port lids:



  19. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from BANYAN in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Thanks Michael, Pat and Alex. Well good sirs other then pot's and pan's the stove it complete, accept for the  stack. I finally added the pully's and chain, for the pit, which was just a little touche. Most of the new parts are made out of metal accept for the pulley's which are wood. Couldn't find any brass round stock big enough. Well back to the pump's. Gary

  20. Like
    garyshipwright reacted to EdT in Young America 1853 by EdT - FINISHED - extreme clipper   
    Young America - extreme clipper 1853
    Part 34 – Stern Deadwood continued
    In the first picture the stern deadwood has been constructed.  A template has been made and is being used to mark out the bearding line on the model.

    As mentioned before, the bearding line describes the position along the hull where the hull profiles intersect with the width of the deadwood.  Below this line the deadwood narrows down to the rabbet of the keel.  The cant frames rest on this line and provide for the increased breadth of the hull above it.  The other side was marked with the same template.
    In the next picture another template is being used to mark the cutting down line on the port side.

    The cutting down line marks the intersections of the inboard faces of the frames with the deadwood.  It is just slightly below the top of the deadwood.
    In the next picture the fore and aft lines of each cant frame are being marked on the deadwood.

    These lines are squared up from the base drawing using the small square and the special Plexiglas square that was made to clear the keel side support strips on the shipway.
    The next picture shows the cant frame lines drawn in.  As with the bow, these lines define the shallow mortises that will seat each cant frame.

    The dashed lines forward of the cant frames mark the location of the half frames back to the last full square frame.  The next picture shows the remaining area to be framed.

    In the next picture the two central stern timbers have been cut out and are held up in place on the sternpost.  Stern framing evolved during the clipper period.  Early clippers continued to feature the square counter stern and transoms of earlier times.  As the elliptical and circular sterns evolved, new methods were used in their construction.  Young America’s actual construction was not recorded.  I have elected to go with the transomless framing that was widely used at the time on circular/elliptical sterns.

    In the next picture the lines of the cant frame mortises are being scribed with a knife before paring them out.

    The last picture shows the in situ paring of the mortises on the starboard side
    in progress.

    The extent of each mortise is defined by the two cant frame face lines, the cutting down line at the top and the bearding line at the bottom.
  21. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from fatih79 in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Thanks every one and those folks for there likes. I have got the stove further along and do think  I have come close to the cast iron look, at least as close as my skill will let me. Well back to work on her gun deck guys. Here is some updated photo's guys, and Mr Jones finally got a paint job along with the stove. Some were he seem to have picked up a slop bucket. Now I wonder where he got that from. Thanks again guy's.

  22. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from Wintergreen in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Thanks Michael, Pat and Alex. Well good sirs other then pot's and pan's the stove it complete, accept for the  stack. I finally added the pully's and chain, for the pit, which was just a little touche. Most of the new parts are made out of metal accept for the pulley's which are wood. Couldn't find any brass round stock big enough. Well back to the pump's. Gary

  23. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from SailorGreg in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Thanks Michael, Pat and Alex. Well good sirs other then pot's and pan's the stove it complete, accept for the  stack. I finally added the pully's and chain, for the pit, which was just a little touche. Most of the new parts are made out of metal accept for the pulley's which are wood. Couldn't find any brass round stock big enough. Well back to the pump's. Gary

  24. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from mtaylor in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Thanks Michael, Pat and Alex. Well good sirs other then pot's and pan's the stove it complete, accept for the  stack. I finally added the pully's and chain, for the pit, which was just a little touche. Most of the new parts are made out of metal accept for the pulley's which are wood. Couldn't find any brass round stock big enough. Well back to the pump's. Gary

  25. Like
    garyshipwright got a reaction from harvey1847 in HMS Montague 1779 bygaryshipwright - 74-gun Alfred-class   
    Thanks Michael, Pat and Alex. Well good sirs other then pot's and pan's the stove it complete, accept for the  stack. I finally added the pully's and chain, for the pit, which was just a little touche. Most of the new parts are made out of metal accept for the pulley's which are wood. Couldn't find any brass round stock big enough. Well back to the pump's. Gary

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