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Everything posted by Pierretessier

  1. Not sure about ship building burnout but certainly got hangar burn out in my RC Plane days. The one thing that got me back on the bench was crashing or hard landings. Had no choice, if I wanted to fly I had to build. Not sure what I'm gonna do now that I'm getting into static models.....
  2. Aactualy, I have not built anything in this shop yet. We just moved 5 months ago. It's the same setup I had in my previous shop. Worked for me in a smaller space, so I thought I'd stick with what I'm used to. The one difference is that my carpentry tools are now kept in my double garage and this space is for my hobby only. This should help keep the area clean and clutter free. Yes I'm a net freak!
  3. I agree with adjustable table or multiple height work surfaces. I've got sitting stations on the left side, with a solid oak top desk and band saws. On the right side Ive got an oak table raised to bench height and my floor model drill press. I can switch between the two sides when my back gets sore.... I hate getting older.
  4. Just ordered my first ship, MarisStella Batelina

  5. Looking for some help finding the best place to buy ship building wood materials in Canada. Or any reputable on line stores that will ship to Canada.
  6. Don, your work is beautiful, the details of this ship and additions you have done have enspired me to order one from Rick at the Modellers Workshop. At first the Idea of building a small boat was not in my plans. But, After seeing your build and speaking to Zoran from MarisStella I can say with certainty that this WILL be my first build. I am looking forward to sharing my build log once I get started.
  7. Newbie question, what are those white things used during planking? Some sort of pin clamp?
  8. Welcome to MSW. Looking forward to seeing a project here soon.
  9. Hoping my setup from my RC plane building days will work for ship building. I have two surfaces in my workshop. One is a large oak desk with all my tools in wooden boxes from Ikea. Then I have a sold oak dining table that has been raised to counter height to work standing up. I find staying in one position for too long hard on my back. I also have a few different chairs and stools I switch back and forth.
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