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Jim Rogers

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Everything posted by Jim Rogers

  1. The thing I love about MSW is that you can ask questions of Chuck (Syren) or Chris (Vangard) and they take time from their busy days to answer.
  2. On sheet one the bow frames and wedges are numerically the same. The stern frame start numerically where the bow frames ended (12) BUT the wedges start at 1. I was looking at the frames not the wedges and glued on extra parts that where wrong.
  3. Actually I think I am working slow and steady as I am only working on it from 0800 to 1100 every day. Getting two frames assembled a day. They are a lot of work. First locating on tree and removing, removing all the char, dry fitting, adjusting and then glueing up. And I need to stain everything Fruitwood prior to assembly. Question Chuck, should I wait to install the short frames until after all the tall frames are installed or can I install as they come up in order?
  4. Started assembling frames next. Some of the lasered identifiers are hard to read for me. Took them off the trees one at a time. Make SURE you check identifiers and orientation prior to assembly. Check the PLANS, make sure the ARROW in the jig faces forward. I assembled five frames and dry mounted them on the keel. Some are REALLY tight and I was afraid of issues so I sanded the char off. Fit nice after that. The jig is ingenious.
  5. You really, really really need to pay attention to the plans and make sure you are using the correct one. I was moving merrily along with the keel thinking that the steps where all in numerical order. When I got to the stern I noted I was missing some parts whilst having a lot of extra of others, asked Chuck. Man I love Super Glue debonder. Follow the plan and avoid this MISTAKE.
  6. I started on the Stem assembly next. Everything fit well. Took a LOT of sanding and tapering to get Mercury in proper position.
  7. Received a large box containing Speedy about 5 days after placing order. The first thing I always do is inspect parts. Many parts where loose in the box so spent a couple of hours figuring out whence they went and taping them in place.
  8. I am trying to figure out lanterns. Running the wires and keeping them hidden will be the trick. Chuck you can’t just tease us with the furniture and other items, please make them available.
  9. I am ready to start building. Great to hear I won’t have to get plans printed at Office Depot. So she is basically same size as Winnie. So looking forward to a project, hope I am up to it.
  10. Please,please, please make the table and chairs available…and a link to Chris’s figures.
  11. I plan on staining mine with Old Masters Fruitwood Gel, my preference, and that stove is going to look awesome.
  12. This is a water feature I did for the Morgan. This was in the Whaling Museum in Lahaina and got burnt up in the fire. A friend of mine built the model. The case was designed as a display and transport case.
  13. I like that. Have looked at doing that base finish for one of my cases.
  14. You could get some iron on veneer from https://www.veneersupplies.com. They have a great supply. Then get some inlays from https://www.inlays.com. Pretty easy fixes with a beautiful result.
  15. Here is a couple ideas. First one is a knock down, very easy to transport and ship. Second one is maple and pauduck,
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