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Jim Rogers

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Everything posted by Jim Rogers

  1. Andrew because of Winchelsea’ s scale and Chuck’s instructions she is not a real difficult build. The build is completed via chapters and with each chapter you will learn a lot. The chapter on planking for example is some of the finest instruction you will get on the subject, ever. You will need a hobby saw like a Byrnes or the one MicroMart sells to cut your wood strips although if you can’t afford a saw there are places you can order strips by sizes required, required sizes also part of Chuck’s instruction. You will need hobby knives, #11 blades, tweezers, clamps for keeping planks in place, small machinist squares, magnifying lenses if you are an old fart like me and a big box of patience. Best part, unlike many Model Manufacturers, if you don’t understand something Chuck is always there to ask. All the laser cut parts are sold as Chapters. They run under $100. This is a great experience and you will have beautiful model that you will be proud of in the end. Most definitely do it.
  2. Figured out the deadeye issue. I purchased 5mm and 6mm ebony deadeyes. The 5mm deadeye groove is deep enough to fit the strop properly, the 6mm has a extremely shallow groove. I found a pair of wire bending pliers that locked the deadeye in place and used my Dremel with a cutting wheel and deepened the groove. Problem solved.
  3. I had no problems with the 5mm deadeye strops, the 6mm keep breaking when inserting them in the channel. I am enlarging the slot but what a PITA.
  4. I am in about the same place as Bob but I quit posting because I am frustrated that the majority of my photos post upside down and no matter what I try nothing helps.
  5. Looks great. Reading of your experience with the swivel guns has made me move their installation to last.
  6. You can buy copper plates at Model Expo.
  7. Chuck do the channels attach to the molding or is the molding cut away and the channels are connected directly to the hull?
  8. Bob your Winnie looks great. Question? When I look at Chapter 11 I can’t tell if Chuck cut out the profile and attached the channel directly to the hull or attached it to the profile like you did. Yours looks great I am just confused and don’t want to be performing wood surgery if not required. What spray adhesive did you use? The Scotch Spray Mount was $41 on Amazon.
  9. Looked at ordering the Scotch Spray Mount on Amazon Prime yesterday and they wanted $41. That’s nuts! Got a different spray adhesive for $12.
  10. Every time I post images I have problems. My solution: I gave up and just quit posting photos. This is the ONLY site I have these issues.
  11. The Hobby Zone building slip is a much better option. I had a fair a frame and replaced it with this.
  12. I had six photos posted originally, four were upside down so I removed them. And there is the rub, it is random. I went out flipped them upside down in edit thinking that would solve the issue, reposted, nope still upside down. Infuriating!
  13. Controlling the speed on the motor is problematic. Seems like two speeds, all ahead s l o w or Mach 1. Yes you can strope blocks but you need to make adapters. Not really designed for that but it can be done. Maybe Chuck has some suggestions.
  14. I have both the Dominoff serving machine and the Syren Serving Machine, like the Syren much better.
  15. Off subject maybe stupid question. If I wanted to add figures to my Winnie what scale would I order from the NRG store?
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