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    Augsburg, Germany

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  1. @Svein Erik: My source for Mara 220 is http://www.tokokurzwaren.de/ The shop is in german language only. But they are also selling worldwide through amazon.com, yet not all available colors and sizes are advertised on amazon. It may be worth a try to mail them and ask about delivery to your country. Other Mara sizes are more widely available online. In the UK, William Gee carries many of them, with all colors available through their website: https://www.williamgee.co.uk/shop/gutermann-threads-mara-150/ Klaus
  2. One of the advantages of the Mara product line is the large number of available colors. There are at least a dozen shades of brown in the catalogue that look like different kinds of rope. My personal favourites are #696 (pine tar) and #854 (hemp rope). More information about Mara can be found here: - Gütermann product website: https://industry.guetermann.com/en/products/mara - Technology description: https://industry.guetermann.com/adbimage/6237/asset-original//mct-leaflet-thread-technology.pdf - Available colors and thread sizes: https://schlemming.de/download/Farbkarte Mara.pdf Klaus
  3. It's available through Amazon.de. Try searching for "Minwax golden oak"
  4. Hi marsalv, that's a very impressive build. As a novice builder I can learn a lot from your log, e.g. the treenailing method you use. But how do you simulate caulking? Thanks, Klaus
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