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Everything posted by mainstay

  1. HI John, Thanks for the nudge. I have started posting pictures in a gallery in the Museums, Clubs and Exhibitions forum. Go to this link: Mystic Ship Models The first installment is there now. Joe
  2. Hi Larry, Thanks for the plank bender log. I just learned what I wish I had learned before I did my hull planking. Didn't know you could iron out the water and get them to hold that shape. Next time. Joe PS- Really glad you are feeling better!
  3. So you didn't have a carronade in your briefcase? That would have blown them away. Joe PS- I know, it's hard to get them on an airplane.
  4. Hi David, You lucky so and so...! Really nice pictures. Thank you! Joseph Osborne
  5. Hello John, No particular concerns about pictures, just looking for details that might not have emerged otherwise. Nothing like actually seeing it, especially full size. So you're going to Mystic! We just spent four days there. My next few posts will be about the trip. There is a wonderful cut-away model of the Charles W. Morgan in the tall red building where they are currently making the mainmast, right next to the ship. There is another in one of the buildings in the exhibits area, at the north end of the site. I will be posting pictures of both in the next few days. Joe
  6. Hello John, I saw your pictures on Rich's build log. I really appreciated seeing them. They give me a different look at things I will be building soon. If you have more, please post them. Joe
  7. Hi Rich, Just returning from vacation and catching up with your build log. Glad to learn of a good interview and HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Joe
  8. Hello rfolsom, Thanks for the note. I am looking forward to seeing your Niagara taking shape. Joe
  9. Hi Larry, I didn't use a chart. Should have. My planks do not evenly divide the spaces and are different on each side. I did manage to come out to the temp battens each time, however. I reasoned that since I did not have proportional dividers I would just estimate the width of the end planks. I also missed the fact that planks get wider as they go down and did band B with planks that were too narrow. I found I got better as I went down, which made me wish I had started at the bottom, which won't show as much. Took me a long time to get the think process of stealers. ALso, the first time I put the temp battens in place I mislocated them by 1/2" in some places. Really glad I noticed that in time. Problem was what reference point to use with the dividers at the bow and stern. Since you look at the plan from fore and aft, the keel depth can vary quite a lot. Also, the curve at the bow makes the keel there a bad reference. Second time I used the planksheer and got it right. I think yours may go a lot better. Joe
  10. Hi Larry, Thanks for the bubbly! Yes, I read through the planking manuals from MSW and it took a while to decide how to approach everything. Bending was the biggest concern. I settled on an unmodified soldering iron, but was unable to do the tightest bends at the stern without breaking the piece. Therefore many of my stern planks are glued on in two pieces. All the tightest bends are charred. But I believe some careful use of filler and sandpaper will get me past that. It is very good that this will be painted, not stained. So all I need is a smooth surface with some grooves between planks to put primer on. Color is irrelevant. Best, Joe
  11. The Last Plank! Finally, on a Saturday morning early... Three to go! The last one. The structure is amazingly strong, especially compared to the balsa gliders I have built. I think I'll take a break for a day or so. Joseph Osborne Carlisle, PA
  12. Planking, Planking, Planking I have been busy. The first hull I have ever attempted to plank. I liked dividing the hull into planking bands. It really helped organize the job and it gave me intermediate tasks to finish and celebrate. I found the process to be: -like doing a picture puzzle, except you have to make each piece -like doing the roof on our treehouse- we used hemlock boards It had the same feel of working toward a peak and slowly narrowing the gap -very peaceful as long as there are no unfortunate 'discoveries' -putting faith in the ability of sandpaper, wood filler and paint to smooth out the rough spots
  13. HI Wayne, Thanks for the information. Looks like they are planning a decent celebration after all. Wish I had known six months ago. But we have made plans and won't make it to this century's celebration. Going sailing on the Schooner Brilliant out of Mystic. Joe
  14. HI Patrick, Glad your finger is healing. I really hate discovering I have done something wrong like that, particularly if it is an error which will cause a cascade of compromises going forward. Your Niagara looks really nice!
  15. Hi Larry, Using a scalpel I opened all my gunports in less than an hour. The edges still need a little touch-up, but the basic job was very quick. Pix on my build log. Joseph Osborne Carlisle, PA USA
  16. Has anyone been following the celebrations of the War of 1812 up on Lake Erie? I believe the 200th anniversary of the Niagara's famous battle is around September 10. My state representative has sent me an email about some events but I seem to have deleted it. I checked the Niagara's schedule and she is due to go to Put In Bay, Ohio, in late August. But there seems to be no re-enactment scheduled. There are tall ships coming to Erie on September 5th. Perhaps Pennsylvania would rather not share tourist dollars with Ohio since the ship is here and the battle occurred there, but who knows. I think the battle may actually have occurred in Canada. Does anyone else have any more information? Erie is a long drive from here but it's not out of the question. Opposite corner of the state. Joe Osborne
  17. Hi Rich, That looks really nice. The long view in the third picture makes it look much larger. Keep up the good work! Joe
  18. Chain plates look good. You took an engineering approach I see.
  19. Planking the outsides of the bulkheads. It looks a bit clinker built in places but I am getting better as I go and I trust that sanding or scraping will level planks into (apparently) proper alignment. My cleaned up and refurbished workspace, as of yesterday. You should have seen it the day before! I was getting claustrophobic from the clutter. I just noticed the Bertha's Mussels bumper sticker on the wall. Has anyone ever eaten there (Fells Point, Baltimore)? Planking Band 1 is nearly done at the bow. Now I have to finish off the stern so I can continue the band aft.
  20. This is how I am doing much of the planking, based on advice in the tutorial on ModelShipWorld. Put gap filling Zap on the bulkheads and plank edge I am gluing to. Put accelerator on the piece I am adding. Works great if the alignment is easy. If I take too long, the CA glue may form fillets which hold the plank away from the bulkhead. So I don't use this for really critical joints, opting for the longer set time of just CA glue alone. Other problem is fumes. I bought a small fan which blows it away from my workspace. But it has been July and stinking hot and we are camping indoors, so fumes still stay in the house, although much diluted. A scalpel works very well for opening up the gun ports and sweep ports Scalpel plus 100 blades for less than $20. Primary use here is voicing harpsichords. I used the wrong size planks for the ceiling here except for the stern. Not planning to replace them. My preferred strategy is to buy a bottle of Single Malt for anyone who visits my house and actually realizes this is not authentic.
  21. Hi Guys, It has been quite a while since I posted. Progress has been steady if slow. I am adding more pictures. This is how I cut thin wood pieces all to the same length. It is a guillotine sold for cutting felts for pianos (Keyboard instrument restoration being one of my professions, I happened to have it lying around. It cuts very precise lengths, although the cuts are sometimes angled vertically rather than square.) T I decided to prepaint planksheer and waterway. Spent an evening cleaning out my airbrush, then had to learn how to thin and spray Acrylics, bought parts for the airbrush, did a lot of masking. After all that I decided I would hold off on any more painting until I have finished planking the hull but before the deck goes in. Scotch tape makes a good mask but if you miss an area it's not obvious until after pulling off the mask. Oh yeah. Does that &*()& white primer have to be sanded before applying the final color? Do I sound tired? Sorry. I have sprayed finishes on too many pianos over the years. Thought I was done with all that.
  22. Looking good Rich. I wish I were that far along. Joseph Osborne Carlisle, PA USA
  23. Rich. Honestly. 'All in the same boat'. Worthy of Jack Aubrey. Joseph Osborne
  24. Looks good Brian. The color adds drama to a neat, clean job. Keep up the good work. Joseph Osborne
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